Stéphane Micheloud Boy Girl
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Scala Logo
Android SDK
Agile and Scrum
Stéphane Micheloud
Dr. sc. tech. ETH
Email: stephane.micheloud (at)
Skype: stephane.micheloud
Author: Stephane Micheloud,
Created on: 16.10.2006
Author: Alain Herzog,
Created on: 25.08.2004
Author: Alain Herzog,
Created on: 25.08.2004

In early 2012 I stayed for a few months in London City and worked as a software developer at Beamly (formerly Zeebox Ltd). Later on I moved back to Switzerland where I'm now working as IT manager at CREALP, a state funded organization active since 1968 in applied geology, hydrology and natural hazards.

I earned my PhD degree in computer science in October 2009 after five years of research work in the field of distributed programming at EPFL. My thesis work — entitled "Programming Language Abstractions for Mobile Code" — was supervised by Prof. Martin Odersky, lead of the LAMP laboratory and creator of the Scala programming language.

Before joining EPFL in May 2002 I worked for two years as a Professor HES in computer science in the Computer Science in Business department of the HES-SO Valais in Sierre. Object-oriented programming (C++, Java) and introduction to operating systems (system architecture, system programming, computer security, among others) were the two main topics of my course program.

From my over 10 years work experience in the industry (Oerlikon Contraves AG, Glance AG, Landis&Staefa AG and Alcatel Schweiz AG) I got a solid experience in Internet technologies, Java technologies and system software. During that period I graduated (NDS-F) from the eduswiss Logo organization where I studied during 4 years as part-time student.

Finally I studied computer science in the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zuerich; my two specialisation domains were computer hardware (computer architecture) and system software (operating systems, compiler construction). My diploma work — entitled "Oberon Compiler Back-End für Inmos Transputer" — was supervised by Prof. Niklaus Wirth, retired since 1999.


I enjoy outdoor sports a lot, mainly jogging, biking and skiing. Swimming is another sport I like to practice during all the year.

Recent Readings

Here are a few titles from my last book readings. I recommand in particular the reading of Kawasaki and Sutton's works.