Library WellFormedness
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import List.
Require Import Util.
Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).
Import My_Program.
Require Typing.
Module My_Typing := Typing.SetProgram(My_Program).
Import My_Typing.
Import My_Auxiliary.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Binders.
Inductive classInheritance: ClassSym -> ClassSym -> Prop :=
| classInheritance_intro:
forall (C C': ClassSym) (R: TypeS),
(classSuper C) = (Some (Class_type C' R)) ->
(classInheritance C C')
Definition ClassSat (D: TypeEnv) (N: TypeS): Prop :=
forall (C: ClassSym) (R: TypeS),
(N = (Class_type C R)) ->
(SectionSat D R (classTypeParams C))
Inductive Class_WK (C: ClassSym): Prop :=
| Class_WK_intro:
let Pi := (classTypeParams C) in
(Type_WK nil Pi TypeSection) ->
(forall (N: TypeS),
(classSuper C) = (Some N) ->
(is_classType N) /\
((Type_WK (Pi :: nil) N Type_)
/\ (ClassSat (Pi :: nil) N))
) ->
(Class_WK C)
Predicate: well-formedness of field declarations
Inductive FieldDecl_WF (f: FieldSym): Prop :=
| FieldDecl_WF_intro:
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
let Pi := (classTypeParams C) in
(Type_WK (Pi :: nil) T Type_) ->
(FieldDecl_WF f)
| FieldDecl_WF_intro:
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
let Pi := (classTypeParams C) in
(Type_WK (Pi :: nil) T Type_) ->
(FieldDecl_WF f)
Predicate: well-formedness of method declarations
Inductive MethodDecl_WF (m: MethodSym): Prop :=
| MethodDecl_WF_intro:
let C := (methodOwner m) in
let PiC := (classTypeParams C) in
let Pim := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
let D := PiC :: Pim :: nil in
(Type_WK (PiC :: nil) Pim TypeSection) ->
(List_forall (fun U => (Type_WK D U Type_)) Ts) ->
(Type_WK D T Type_) ->
(MethodDecl_WF m)
| MethodDecl_WF_intro:
let C := (methodOwner m) in
let PiC := (classTypeParams C) in
let Pim := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
let D := PiC :: Pim :: nil in
(Type_WK (PiC :: nil) Pim TypeSection) ->
(List_forall (fun U => (Type_WK D U Type_)) Ts) ->
(Type_WK D T Type_) ->
(MethodDecl_WF m)
Predicate: well-formedness of method implementations
Inductive MethodImpl_WF (C: ClassSym) (m: MethodSym) (t: Term): Prop :=
| MethodImpl_WF_intro:
forall (Rm: TypeS) (S: TypeS),
let PiC := (classTypeParams C) in
let Cm := (methodOwner m) in
let Pim := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
(Subtyping (PiC :: nil) (Class_type C (Type_var 0)) (Class_type Cm Rm)) ->
(Type_WK (PiC :: nil) (Class_type Cm Rm) Type_) ->
let D := PiC :: (typeSubst_in_type Pim 0 Rm) :: nil in
let G := (Class_type C (Type_var 1)) ::
(map (fun U => typeSubst_in_type U 1 Rm) Ts) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (typeSubst_in_type T 1 Rm)) ->
(MethodImpl_WF C m t)
Axiom Class_inheritance_is_well_founded:
(well_founded (symRel classInheritance))
Axiom classes_are_well_kinded:
forall (C: ClassSym),
(Class_WK C)
| MethodImpl_WF_intro:
forall (Rm: TypeS) (S: TypeS),
let PiC := (classTypeParams C) in
let Cm := (methodOwner m) in
let Pim := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
(Subtyping (PiC :: nil) (Class_type C (Type_var 0)) (Class_type Cm Rm)) ->
(Type_WK (PiC :: nil) (Class_type Cm Rm) Type_) ->
let D := PiC :: (typeSubst_in_type Pim 0 Rm) :: nil in
let G := (Class_type C (Type_var 1)) ::
(map (fun U => typeSubst_in_type U 1 Rm) Ts) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (typeSubst_in_type T 1 Rm)) ->
(MethodImpl_WF C m t)
Axiom Class_inheritance_is_well_founded:
(well_founded (symRel classInheritance))
Axiom classes_are_well_kinded:
forall (C: ClassSym),
(Class_WK C)
Predicate: field declarations are well-formed
Predicate: method declarations are well-formed
Predicate: method implementations are well-formed
Axiom method_implementations_are_well_formed:
forall (m: MethodSym) (C: ClassSym) (t: Term),
(methodImpl m C) = (Some t) ->
(MethodImpl_WF C m t)
Axiom main_term_is_well_typed:
exists T: TypeS,
(Term_WT nil nil mainTerm (TermI T))
End SetProgram.
forall (m: MethodSym) (C: ClassSym) (t: Term),
(methodImpl m C) = (Some t) ->
(MethodImpl_WF C m t)
Axiom main_term_is_well_typed:
exists T: TypeS,
(Term_WT nil nil mainTerm (TermI T))
End SetProgram.