Library Typing
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import MatchCompNat.
Require Import Util.
Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).
Import My_Program.
Require Auxiliary.
Module My_Auxiliary := Auxiliary.SetProgram(My_Program).
Import My_Auxiliary.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Binders.
Definition is_arbitraryType (T: TypeS): Prop := True.
Relation: Well-kindedness of type constructs
Inductive Type_WK: TypeEnv -> TypeS -> TypeC -> Prop :=
| WK_proj:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (R: TypeS) (i: nat) (k: KindS) (k': KindS),
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple k))) ->
(KindS_at k i k') ->
(Type_WK D (Type_proj R i) (TypeConstr k'))
| WK_class:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (C: ClassSym) (k: KindS),
(kind_of (classTypeParams C) k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_class C) (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k)))
| WK_fun:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (N: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D Pi TypeSection) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) N Type_) ->
(is_arbitraryType N) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_fun Pi N) (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k)))
| WK_apply:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (K R: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D K (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k))) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_apply K R) Type_)
| WK_var:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(decl_of_typeVar D X Pi) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_var X) (TypeTuple k))
| WK_tuple:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Ks: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D Ks (TypeConstrList k)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_tuple Ks) (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple k)))
| WK_param:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Pi N_opt: TypeS),
(Type_WK D Pi TypeSection) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) N_opt TypeOption) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_param Pi N_opt) TypeParam)
| WK_section:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Ps: TypeS),
(Type_WK (snoc D (Type_section Ps)) Ps TypeParamList) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_section Ps) TypeSection)
| WK_none:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_none TypeOption)
| WK_some:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (N: TypeS),
(is_classType N) ->
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_some N) TypeOption)
| WK_param_nil:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_nil TypeParamList)
| WK_param_cons:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (P Ps: TypeS),
(Type_WK D P TypeParam) ->
(Type_WK D Ps TypeParamList) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_cons P Ps) TypeParamList)
| WK_constr_nil:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_nil (TypeConstrList Kind_nil))
| WK_constr_cons:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (K Ks: TypeS) (k: KindS) (ks: KindS),
(Type_WK D K (TypeConstr k)) ->
(Type_WK D Ks (TypeConstrList ks)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_cons K Ks) (TypeConstrList (Kind_cons k ks)))
| WK_proj:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (R: TypeS) (i: nat) (k: KindS) (k': KindS),
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple k))) ->
(KindS_at k i k') ->
(Type_WK D (Type_proj R i) (TypeConstr k'))
| WK_class:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (C: ClassSym) (k: KindS),
(kind_of (classTypeParams C) k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_class C) (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k)))
| WK_fun:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (N: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D Pi TypeSection) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) N Type_) ->
(is_arbitraryType N) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_fun Pi N) (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k)))
| WK_apply:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (K R: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D K (TypeConstr (Kind_constr k))) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_apply K R) Type_)
| WK_var:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(decl_of_typeVar D X Pi) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_var X) (TypeTuple k))
| WK_tuple:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Ks: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D Ks (TypeConstrList k)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_tuple Ks) (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple k)))
| WK_param:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Pi N_opt: TypeS),
(Type_WK D Pi TypeSection) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) N_opt TypeOption) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_param Pi N_opt) TypeParam)
| WK_section:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Ps: TypeS),
(Type_WK (snoc D (Type_section Ps)) Ps TypeParamList) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_section Ps) TypeSection)
| WK_none:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_none TypeOption)
| WK_some:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (N: TypeS),
(is_classType N) ->
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_some N) TypeOption)
| WK_param_nil:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_nil TypeParamList)
| WK_param_cons:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (P Ps: TypeS),
(Type_WK D P TypeParam) ->
(Type_WK D Ps TypeParamList) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_cons P Ps) TypeParamList)
| WK_constr_nil:
forall (D: TypeEnv),
(Type_WK D Type_nil (TypeConstrList Kind_nil))
| WK_constr_cons:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (K Ks: TypeS) (k: KindS) (ks: KindS),
(Type_WK D K (TypeConstr k)) ->
(Type_WK D Ks (TypeConstrList ks)) ->
(Type_WK D (Type_cons K Ks) (TypeConstrList (Kind_cons k ks)))
Relation: Subtyping
Inductive Subtyping: TypeEnv -> TypeS -> TypeS -> Prop :=
| S_Refl:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T: TypeS),
(Subtyping D T T)
| S_Trans:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T S U: TypeS),
(Type_WK D S Type_) ->
(Subtyping D T S) ->
(Subtyping D S U) ->
(Subtyping D T U)
| S_Var:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (i: nat) (R Ps Pi N N': TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar D X (Type_section Ps)) ->
(TypeS_at (typeSubst_in_type Ps 0 (Type_var X)) i (Type_param Pi (Type_some N))) ->
(Subtyping D (typeSubst_in_type N 0 R) N') ->
(Subtyping D (Var_type X i R) N')
| S_Class:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (C: ClassSym) (R: TypeS) (N N': TypeS),
(classSuper C) = (Some N) ->
(Subtyping D (typeSubst_in_type N 0 R) N') ->
(Subtyping D (Class_type C R) N')
| S_Beta_Left:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T T' U: TypeS),
(RedType T T') ->
(Subtyping D T' U) ->
(Subtyping D T U)
| S_Beta_Right:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T U' U: TypeS),
(RedType U U') ->
(Subtyping D T U') ->
(Subtyping D T U)
| S_Refl:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T: TypeS),
(Subtyping D T T)
| S_Trans:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T S U: TypeS),
(Type_WK D S Type_) ->
(Subtyping D T S) ->
(Subtyping D S U) ->
(Subtyping D T U)
| S_Var:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (i: nat) (R Ps Pi N N': TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar D X (Type_section Ps)) ->
(TypeS_at (typeSubst_in_type Ps 0 (Type_var X)) i (Type_param Pi (Type_some N))) ->
(Subtyping D (typeSubst_in_type N 0 R) N') ->
(Subtyping D (Var_type X i R) N')
| S_Class:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (C: ClassSym) (R: TypeS) (N N': TypeS),
(classSuper C) = (Some N) ->
(Subtyping D (typeSubst_in_type N 0 R) N') ->
(Subtyping D (Class_type C R) N')
| S_Beta_Left:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T T' U: TypeS),
(RedType T T') ->
(Subtyping D T' U) ->
(Subtyping D T U)
| S_Beta_Right:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (T U' U: TypeS),
(RedType U U') ->
(Subtyping D T U') ->
(Subtyping D T U)
Function: removes the bounds inside type parameters
Inductive removeBounds: TypeS -> TypeS -> Prop :=
| removeBounds_param:
forall (Pi Pi' T: TypeS),
(removeBounds Pi Pi') ->
(removeBounds (Type_param Pi T) (Type_param Pi' Type_none))
| removeBounds_section:
forall (Ps Ps': TypeS),
(removeBounds Ps Ps') ->
(removeBounds (Type_section Ps) (Type_section Ps'))
| removeBounds_param_nil:
(removeBounds Type_nil Type_nil)
| removeBounds_param_cons:
forall (P P' Ps Ps': TypeS),
(removeBounds P P') ->
(removeBounds Ps Ps') ->
(removeBounds (Type_cons P Ps) (Type_cons P' Ps'))
| removeBounds_param:
forall (Pi Pi' T: TypeS),
(removeBounds Pi Pi') ->
(removeBounds (Type_param Pi T) (Type_param Pi' Type_none))
| removeBounds_section:
forall (Ps Ps': TypeS),
(removeBounds Ps Ps') ->
(removeBounds (Type_section Ps) (Type_section Ps'))
| removeBounds_param_nil:
(removeBounds Type_nil Type_nil)
| removeBounds_param_cons:
forall (P P' Ps Ps': TypeS),
(removeBounds P P') ->
(removeBounds Ps Ps') ->
(removeBounds (Type_cons P Ps) (Type_cons P' Ps'))
Relation: K satisfies P in environment D
Inductive ParamSat (D: TypeEnv) (K: TypeS): TypeS -> Prop :=
| ParamSat_intro:
forall (Pi Pi' N_opt: TypeS),
(removeBounds Pi Pi') ->
(forall (N: TypeS),
(N_opt = (Type_some N)) ->
(Subtyping (snoc D Pi') (Type_apply (lift_in_type K 1) (Type_var 0)) N)
) ->
(ParamSat D K (Type_param Pi N_opt))
Definition Forall_ParamSat (D: TypeEnv) (R Ps: TypeS): Prop :=
forall (i: nat) (P: TypeS),
(TypeS_at Ps i P) ->
(ParamSat D (Type_proj R i) P)
| ParamSat_intro:
forall (Pi Pi' N_opt: TypeS),
(removeBounds Pi Pi') ->
(forall (N: TypeS),
(N_opt = (Type_some N)) ->
(Subtyping (snoc D Pi') (Type_apply (lift_in_type K 1) (Type_var 0)) N)
) ->
(ParamSat D K (Type_param Pi N_opt))
Definition Forall_ParamSat (D: TypeEnv) (R Ps: TypeS): Prop :=
forall (i: nat) (P: TypeS),
(TypeS_at Ps i P) ->
(ParamSat D (Type_proj R i) P)
Relation: the suffix of R starting from i satisfies Ps in environment D
Inductive Forall_ParamSat_build (D: TypeEnv) (R: TypeS): nat -> TypeS -> Prop :=
| Forall_ParamSat_build_nil:
forall (i: nat),
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R i Type_nil)
| Forall_ParamSat_build_cons:
forall (i: nat) (P Ps: TypeS),
(ParamSat D (Type_proj R i) P) ->
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R (S i) Ps) ->
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R i (Type_cons P Ps))
| Forall_ParamSat_build_nil:
forall (i: nat),
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R i Type_nil)
| Forall_ParamSat_build_cons:
forall (i: nat) (P Ps: TypeS),
(ParamSat D (Type_proj R i) P) ->
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R (S i) Ps) ->
(Forall_ParamSat_build D R i (Type_cons P Ps))
Relation: R satisfies Ps in environment D
Inductive SectionSat (D: TypeEnv) (R: TypeS): TypeS -> Prop :=
| SectionSat_intro:
forall (Ps: TypeS) (ks: KindS),
(kind_of Ps ks) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple ks))) ->
(Forall_ParamSat D R (typeSubst_in_type Ps 0 R)) ->
(SectionSat D R (Type_section Ps))
| SectionSat_intro:
forall (Ps: TypeS) (ks: KindS),
(kind_of Ps ks) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple (Kind_tuple ks))) ->
(Forall_ParamSat D R (typeSubst_in_type Ps 0 R)) ->
(SectionSat D R (Type_section Ps))
Property: all visible fields are implemented
Definition IsComplete_fields (C: ClassSym) (fs: list (FieldSym)): Prop :=
forall (f: FieldSym),
let C' := (fieldOwner f) in
(Subclass C C') ->
(In f fs)
forall (f: FieldSym),
let C' := (fieldOwner f) in
(Subclass C C') ->
(In f fs)
Property: all visible methods are implemented
Definition IsComplete_methods (C: ClassSym): Prop :=
forall (m: MethodSym),
let C' := (methodOwner m) in
(Subclass C C') ->
exists A: ClassSym, exists t: Term,
(Subclass C A) /\ (methodImpl m A) = (Some t)
forall (m: MethodSym),
let C' := (methodOwner m) in
(Subclass C C') ->
exists A: ClassSym, exists t: Term,
(Subclass C A) /\ (methodImpl m A) = (Some t)
Relation: class C is complete when values for fields fs are provided
Inductive IsComplete: ClassSym -> (list FieldSym) -> Prop :=
| IsComplete_intro:
forall (C: ClassSym) (fs: list FieldSym),
(IsComplete_fields C fs) ->
(IsComplete_methods C) ->
(IsComplete C fs)
| IsComplete_intro:
forall (C: ClassSym) (fs: list FieldSym),
(IsComplete_fields C fs) ->
(IsComplete_methods C) ->
(IsComplete C fs)
Function: collects fields of fts
Fixpoint fields_of_fieldTermList (fts: Term): (list FieldSym) :=
match fts with
| FieldTerm_nil => nil
| (FieldTerm_cons f _ fts') => f :: (fields_of_fieldTermList fts')
| _ => nil
match fts with
| FieldTerm_nil => nil
| (FieldTerm_cons f _ fts') => f :: (fields_of_fieldTermList fts')
| _ => nil
Relation: pointwise subtyping between two lists of types
Definition Pointwise_subtyping (D: TypeEnv) (Ts Us: (list TypeS)): Prop :=
(Forall2 (fun T U => (Subtyping D T U)) Ts Us)
Definition typeSubst_in_typeList (ts: (list TypeS)) (k: nat) (R: TypeS): (list TypeS) :=
map (fun t => (typeSubst_in_type t k R)) ts
Inductive TermInfo: Set :=
| TermI : TypeS -> TermInfo
| TermListI : (list TypeS) -> TermInfo
| FieldTermListI : TypeS -> TermInfo
(Forall2 (fun T U => (Subtyping D T U)) Ts Us)
Definition typeSubst_in_typeList (ts: (list TypeS)) (k: nat) (R: TypeS): (list TypeS) :=
map (fun t => (typeSubst_in_type t k R)) ts
Inductive TermInfo: Set :=
| TermI : TypeS -> TermInfo
| TermListI : (list TypeS) -> TermInfo
| FieldTermListI : TypeS -> TermInfo
Relation: Typing of terms
Inductive Term_WT (D: TypeEnv) (G: TermEnv): Term -> TermInfo -> Prop :=
| T_Var:
forall (i: nat) (T: TypeS),
(List_from G i T) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_var i) (TermI T))
| T_Select:
forall (t: Term) (f: FieldSym) (S R: TypeS),
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (Class_type C R)) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R) Type_) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_select t f) (TermI (typeSubst_in_type T 0 R)))
| T_Call:
forall (t: Term) (m: MethodSym) (R R': TypeS)
(ts: Term) (S: TypeS) (Ss: (list TypeS)) (k: KindS),
let C := (methodOwner m) in
let Pi := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(Term_WT D G ts (TermListI Ss)) ->
(Subtyping D S (Class_type C R')) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R') Type_) ->
(SectionSat D R (typeSubst_in_type Pi 0 R')) ->
(Pointwise_subtyping D Ss
(typeSubst_in_typeList (typeSubst_in_typeList Ts 1 R') 0 R)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_call t m R ts)
(TermI (typeSubst_in_type (typeSubst_in_type T 1 R') 0 R)))
| T_New:
forall (fts: Term) (C: ClassSym) (R: TypeS),
let N := (Class_type C R) in
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(SectionSat D R (classTypeParams C)) ->
(Term_WT D G fts (FieldTermListI N)) ->
(IsComplete C (fields_of_fieldTermList fts)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_new N fts) (TermI N))
| T_term_Nil:
(Term_WT D G Term_nil (TermListI nil))
| T_term_Cons:
forall (t: Term) (ts: Term) (T: TypeS) (Ts: (list TypeS)),
(Term_WT D G t (TermI T)) ->
(Term_WT D G ts (TermListI Ts)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_cons t ts) (TermListI (cons T Ts)))
| T_fieldTerm_Nil:
forall (N: TypeS),
(Term_WT D G FieldTerm_nil (FieldTermListI N))
| T_fieldTerm_Cons:
forall (N: TypeS) (f: FieldSym) (t: Term) (fts: Term) (S R: TypeS),
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(Subtyping D N (Class_type C R)) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R) Type_) ->
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (typeSubst_in_type T 0 R)) ->
(Term_WT D G fts (FieldTermListI N)) ->
(Term_WT D G (FieldTerm_cons f t fts) (FieldTermListI N))
End SetProgram.
| T_Var:
forall (i: nat) (T: TypeS),
(List_from G i T) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_var i) (TermI T))
| T_Select:
forall (t: Term) (f: FieldSym) (S R: TypeS),
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (Class_type C R)) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R) Type_) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_select t f) (TermI (typeSubst_in_type T 0 R)))
| T_Call:
forall (t: Term) (m: MethodSym) (R R': TypeS)
(ts: Term) (S: TypeS) (Ss: (list TypeS)) (k: KindS),
let C := (methodOwner m) in
let Pi := (methodTypeParams m) in
let Ts := (methodParams m) in
let T := (methodType m) in
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(Term_WT D G ts (TermListI Ss)) ->
(Subtyping D S (Class_type C R')) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R') Type_) ->
(SectionSat D R (typeSubst_in_type Pi 0 R')) ->
(Pointwise_subtyping D Ss
(typeSubst_in_typeList (typeSubst_in_typeList Ts 1 R') 0 R)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_call t m R ts)
(TermI (typeSubst_in_type (typeSubst_in_type T 1 R') 0 R)))
| T_New:
forall (fts: Term) (C: ClassSym) (R: TypeS),
let N := (Class_type C R) in
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(SectionSat D R (classTypeParams C)) ->
(Term_WT D G fts (FieldTermListI N)) ->
(IsComplete C (fields_of_fieldTermList fts)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_new N fts) (TermI N))
| T_term_Nil:
(Term_WT D G Term_nil (TermListI nil))
| T_term_Cons:
forall (t: Term) (ts: Term) (T: TypeS) (Ts: (list TypeS)),
(Term_WT D G t (TermI T)) ->
(Term_WT D G ts (TermListI Ts)) ->
(Term_WT D G (Term_cons t ts) (TermListI (cons T Ts)))
| T_fieldTerm_Nil:
forall (N: TypeS),
(Term_WT D G FieldTerm_nil (FieldTermListI N))
| T_fieldTerm_Cons:
forall (N: TypeS) (f: FieldSym) (t: Term) (fts: Term) (S R: TypeS),
let C := (fieldOwner f) in
let T := (fieldType f) in
(Type_WK D N Type_) ->
(Subtyping D N (Class_type C R)) ->
(Type_WK D (Class_type C R) Type_) ->
(Term_WT D G t (TermI S)) ->
(Subtyping D S (typeSubst_in_type T 0 R)) ->
(Term_WT D G fts (FieldTermListI N)) ->
(Term_WT D G (FieldTerm_cons f t fts) (FieldTermListI N))
End SetProgram.