The SIN Foundations of Software course at EPFL is taught on Tuesdays from 10:15 to 12:00 and on Thursdays from 8:15 to 10:00. Courses are in INM 10, projects and exercises in INF 1.


Software foundations (or theory of programming languages) is the mathematical study of the meaning of programs. Students will learn ways to describe program behaviors, and mathematical tools to formalize and check interesting properties of programs. This course concentrates on operational techniques and type systems.


Mid-term exam

The mid-term exam will take place on November 18, 2010, in room GCF 111 from 8:15-10:00. You are allowed to bring the textbook and print outs of the course slides.

Final exam

The final exam will take place on January 24, 2011, in room INM 202 from 08:15-11:15. You are allowed to bring the textbook and print outs of the course slides.
The final exam of 2008 can be consulted here (solution).


Thursday, Nov 18
Mid-term exam (pdf) (solution)
Tuesday, Nov 23
Course “Subtyping”
Thursday, Nov 25
Exercise session on type reconstruction
Tuesday, Nov 30
Course “Objects”
Thursday, Dec 2
Exercise session on type reconstruction
Tuesday, Dec 7
Course “Featherweight Java”
Thursday, Dec 9
Exercise session on Featherweight Java
Tuesday, Dec 14
Course “Featherweight Java”
Thursday, Dec 16
Exercise session on Featherweight Java

Whole program…

Course's grading

Each enrolled student will receive a grade based on his results for the projects (submitted via Moodle), the mid-term exam and the final exam. The relative importance of each part is as follows.

mid-term exam30%
final exam40%

A note about cheating (plagiarism)

Sharing ideas between groups is very recommended. Plagiarising code as part of a project will not be tolerated — whatever the source.

In case of cheating, you will receive the grade “NA” (not acquired, zero) for the concerned project or exam, or for the whole course. You may furthermore be denounced and punished in accordance with the ordonnance sur la discipline.

If you are in any fashion worried about this, speak with an assistant.