On Scala and its
Fighting Bit Rot with Types (Experience Report: Scala Collections),
Martin Odersky, Adriaan Moors
Proc. FSTTCS 2009
Programming without Inversion of Control,
Philipp Haller, Martin Odersky Proc. JMLC 2006
Core Calculus for Scala Type Checking, Vincent
Cremet, François Garillot, Sergueï Lenglet, Martin
Odersky Proc. MFCS 2006
Scala Experiment -- Can We Provide Better Language
Support for Component Systems?, Martin Odersky Proc.
POPL 2006
Overview of the Scala Programming Language,
Martin Odersky et al. Technical Report IC/2004/64,
Component Abstractions, Martin Odersky and
Matthias Zenger. Proc. OOPSLA 2005.
Extensible Solutions to the Expression Problem,
Matthias Zenger and Martin Odersky. Technical Report
IC/2004/33, EPFL.
On Functional Nets:
call elimination on the Java Virtual Machine,
Michel Schinz and Martin Odersky. Proc. SIGPLAN
BABEL'01 Workshop on Multi-Language Infrastructure and
Nets, Martin Odersky. Proc. European
Symposium on Programming, Berlin, Germany, March 2000.
Overview of Functional Nets, Martin Odersky. Lecture
notes, APPSEM
Summer School, Caminha, Portugal, September 2000
+ Views = Components?, Martin Odersky. Abstract
State Machines 2000, Monte Verita, Switzerland, March
2000, to appear in Springer Lecture Notes.
On GJ and Pizza:
the future safe for the past: Adding Genericity to the
Java Programming Language, Gilad Bracha, Martin
Odersky, David Stoutamire and
Wadler. Proc. OOPSLA'98 The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
into Java: Translating theory into practice,
Martin Odersky and
Wadler. Proc. 24th ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, Paris, France, January 1997. The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately. Also available in .dvi
Ways to Bake Your Pizza - Translating Parameterised
Types into Java, Martin Odersky, Enno Runne, and
Wadler. Generic Programming �
International Seminar on Generic Programming Dagstuhl
Castle, Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 1766. Copyright ©
Springer Verlag. The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
On Type Systems:
Nominal Theory of Objects with Dependent Types,
Martin Odersky, Vincent Cremet, Christine Röckl,
Matthias Zenger. Proc. ECOOP '03, July 2003. A slightly
longer versioni appeared in Proc. Fool 10,
January 2003.
Type Instantiation for GJ, Martin Odersky. Note
sent to the types mailing list, January 2002.
Local Type Inference, Martin Odersky, Matthias
Zenger, Christoph Zenger. In Proceedings, ACM
Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,
January 2001.
Types, Martin Odersky and Christoph Zenger. In
Proceedings FOOL8,
Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages,
January 2001.
Inference with Constrained Types, Martin
Odersky, Martin Sulzmann, Martin Wehr. TAPOS 5(1).
An extended
abstract> appeared in Proc.
4th Int. Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented
Languages. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Statically Safe Alternative to Virtual Types, Kim
Bruce, Martin Odersky, and
Wadler. Proc. ECOOP'98. Last revised 11/25/97.
The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately. Challenges
in Type Systems Research, Martin Odersky. In
ACM Workshop on Strategic Directions in Computing
Research, June 1996, ACM Computing Surveys 28(4es). The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Type Annotations To Work, Martin Odersky and Konstantin
Läufer. In Proceedings, 23rd ACM Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, St. Petersburg,
Florida, January 1996. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Second Look at Overloading, Martin Odersky, Philip
Wadler, and Martin Wehr. In Proceedings, ACM
Conference on Functional Programming and Computer
Architecture, La Jolla, CA, June 1995. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Type Inference and Abstract Data Types, Konstantin
Läufer and Martin Odersky. ACM Transactions on
Programming Languages and Systems. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Extension of ML with First-Class Abstract Types,
Läufer and Martin Odersky. In Proceedings, ACM
SIGPLAN Workshop on ML and its Applications, San
Francisco, California, June 1992" The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Type Classes, Kung
Chen, Paul
Hudak and Martin
Odersky. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming, San Francisco, CA, June
1992. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
On Functional
Programming Theory:
Call-by-Value, Call-by-Need, and the Linear Lambda
Calculus, John
Maraist, Martin Odersky, David
N. Turner and
Wadler. Proc. Conf. on Mathematical Foundations
of Programming Semantics, Electronic
Notes in Computer Science 1(1), Elsevier Publishers,
1995. The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
Call-by-Need Lambda Calculus, Zena
Felleisen, John
Maraist, Martin
and Philip
Wadler. Presented at POPL'95.
The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
Functional Theory of Local Names, Martin
Odersky. In Proceedings, 21st ACM Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, Portland, Oregon,
January 1994. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
On Functional
Programming and State:
with Variable Functions, Martin Odersky. In
Proceedings, International Conference on Functional
Programming, Baltimore, September 1998. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Type System for a Lambda Calculus with Assignment,
Kung Chen
and Martin
Odersky. In Proceedings, Symp. on Theoretical
Aspects of Computer Software, Sendai, Japan, April 1994.
LNCS 789. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Assignment, and the Lambda-calculus, Martin
Odersky, Dan Rabin, and Paul
Hudak. In Proceedings, 20th ACM Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, Charleston, South
Carolina, January 1993. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
for Linear Types, Martin Odersky. In
Proceedings, European Symposium on Programming, February
1992. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
to Make Destructive Updates Less Destructive,
Martin Odersky. In Proceedings, 18th ACM Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, Orlando, Florida,
January 1991. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
On Concurrent
Name Passing, Martin Odersky. In Proceedings,
FST & TCS, Bangalore, India, December 18-20, 1995.
The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
Confluent Calculus for Concurrent Constraint Programming
with Guarded Choice, Kim
Marriott and Martin
Odersky. Proc. 1st Conf. on Principles and
Practice of Constraint Programming, Cassis, France,
September 1995. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately. A full
version of this paper appears in Theoretical
Computer Science.
Pi: Towards a Basis for Concurrent Imperative
Programming, Martin Odersky. Proc. 2nd ACM
SIGPLAN Workshop on State in Programming Languages, Jan.
1995. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
On Constraint Solving
and Applications:
Background Information in
Technical Reports:
Call-by-Need Lambda Calculus (Unabridged), John
Maraist, Martin
Odersky and
Wadler. Technical Report #28/94, Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe. The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
Call-by-Value, Call-by-Need, and the Linear Lambda
Calculus, John
Maraist, Martin
Odersky and
Wadler. Technical Report #5/95, Fakultät für
Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe. The abstract
and BibTeX
entry may be viewed separately.
Boolean Constraints, Kim
Marriott and Martin
Odersky. Technical Report 94/203, Monash
University, Department of Computer Science, August 1994.
The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Syntactic Theory of Local Names, Martin Odersky.
Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-965, Yale University,
Department of Computer Science, May 1993. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Syntactic Method for Proving Observational Equivalences,
Martin Odersky. Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-964,
Yale University, Department of Computer Science, May
1993. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Unexpurgated Call-by-name, Assignment, and the
Lambda-calculus, Martin Odersky and Dan Rabin. Research
Report YALEU/DCS/RR-930, Yale University, Department of
Computer Science, May 1993. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
Inference for Parametric Type Classes, Kung
Chen, Martin
Odersky and
Hudak. Research Report YALEU/DCS/RR-900, Yale
University, Department of Computer Science, May 1993.
The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.
and Subtyping in a Functional Perspective,
Martin Odersky. IBM Research Report RC 16423, March
1991. The abstract
and bibtex
entry may be viewed separately.