Project Summary

by Stephane Micheloud, September 2009



I participated to many software projects during my 25 years work experience. In particular I gained strong expertise in programming language (eg. C, C++, Java and Scala) and compiler construction (eg. Modula-2 and Scala).

Appendix A presents a non-exhaustive list of programming languages I practized in various software projects and self-training.


(work in progress)


(work in progress)


(work in progress)

Appendix A (top)

Experience with programming languages:

Languages Tools Platforms Projects Years
Ada Meridian Ada (see review
"Ada Compiler Review")
Apple Macintosh Self-training
CZ-Ada DEC VAX Air defense project, Contraves 1989
BASIC Apple II BASIC Apple IIe (128KB RAM!) Self-training
Basic Epsitec Smaky 8 Prog. course, LCC College 1984
MS Visual Basic MS Windows 2000 Teaching, HES-SO Valais 2001
C IBM C Compiler DEC Ultrix 4.3 Projects, Glance 1992-94
MS C Compiler IBM OS/2 1.3 Projects, Glance 1992-93
DEC OSF/1 C Compiler DEC OSF/1 1.3 Projects, Glance 1992
C++ Borland C++Builder 3.5 Enterprise MS Windows 2000 Teaching, HES-SO Valais 2000
MS Visual C++ 2.x/4.x MS Window NT 3.x Projects, Glance 1994-97
MS Visual Studio 6 MS Windows 2000 Teaching, HES-SO 1999-00
GNU C++ Fedora Linux PEPITO Project, EPFL
Cobol IBM Cobol Compiler DEC Ultrix 4.3 Projects, Glance 1993
Java Borland JBuilder 1.0 MS Windows NT 4.0 Projects, Alcatel 1998
Borland JBuilder 3.0/4.0 Enterprise MS Windows 2000 Teaching, HES-SO 1999-00
IBM VisualAge 1.0 MS Windows NT 4.0 Projects, Alcatel 1998
MW CodeWarrior for Java Apple Macintosh Self-training
Sun SDK 1.0/1.1 Sun Solaris 2.5 Projects, Alcatel 1997-98
Sun SDK 2/5/6 Fedora/Ubuntu Linux,
MS Windows 2000
Courses/projects, EPFL 2002-08
TakeFive SNiFF+J 2.3/2.4 Sun Solaris 2.5 Projects, Alcatel 1997-98
Modula-2 Logitech Modula-2 IBM OS/2 1.3 Projects, Glance 1992
Glance M2CC 4.5/5.0 IBM OS/2 1.3, MS Windows 3.x,
Dec Ultrix 4.3
Projects, Glance 1993-97
MacMETH 2.x Apple Macintosh MSc courses, ETHZ 1984-1990
Oberon ETH Oberon Ceres-2, Apple Macintosh MSc courses/projects, ETHZ 1986-1990
Occam Inmos Occam-2 Inmos Transputer T425 Student projects, ETHZ 1988
Pascal Apple II Pascal Apple IIe Self-training
MPW Pascal Apple Macintosh Self-training
Scala Scala 1.x/2.x (EPFL) Fedora/Ubuntu Linux,
MS Windows 2000/XP/7
Teaching/projects, EPFL 2002-08
Scala 2.x (EPFL) Fedora/Ubuntu Linux,
MS Windows 2000/XP/7
Self-training 2009-11

Appendix B (top)

Experiences with compiler construction:

Languages Compilers Written in Platforms Projects Years
Modula-2 Glance M2CC Modula-2, C++ IBM OS/2 1.3, MS Windows 2000,
DEC Ultrix 4.3
Projects, Glance AG 1992-94
Oberon ETH Oberon Oberon,
T800 Assembler
Ceres-2 Workstation with
T800 board
MSc project, ETHZ 1990
Pascal PL/0 Modula-2 Apple Macintosh Compiler course, ETHZ 1986
Pascal-P1 (1) Pascal, Modula-2 Apple Power Macintosh Self-training
Portal Glance POCC Modula-2, C++ DEC Ultrix 4.3 Landis&Gyr project, Glance AG 1992-93
Scala Scala (2) Java, Scala Fedora/Ubuntu Linux,
MS Windows 2000/XP/7
Scala project, EPFL 2003-08
(1) Reference impl. from Dr. Urs Ammann and others
(2) Reference impl. from Dr. Martin Odersky and others