Library Typing_proofs
Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import MatchCompNat.
Require Import Util.
Require Syntax.
Module SetProgram(My_Program: Syntax.Program).
Import My_Program.
Require Confluence.
Module My_Confluence := Confluence.SetProgram(My_Program).
Import My_Confluence.
Import My_Auxiliary_proofs.
Import My_Substitutions_proofs.
Import My_Binders_proofs.
Import My_Semantics.
Import My_WellFormedness.
Import My_Typing.
Import My_Auxiliary.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Binders.
Well-kindedness is preserved by subtitution of types that match kinds
Lemma Substitution_preserves_class_types:
forall (X: TypeVar) (R N: TypeS),
(is_classType N) ->
(is_classType (typeSubst_in_type N X R))
Lemma Lifting_preserves_class_types:
forall (n k: nat) (N: TypeS),
(is_classType N) ->
(is_classType (lift_at_depth_in_type N n k))
Lemma Substitution_preserves_kind_of:
forall (t: TypeS) (R: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(kind_of t k) ->
forall (X: TypeVar),
(kind_of (typeSubst_in_type t X R) k)
Lemma Dropping_preserves_kind_of:
forall (t: TypeS) (k: KindS) (d: nat),
(kind_of t k) ->
(kind_of (drop_at_depth_in_type t d) k)
Lemma typeSubst_of_snoc:
forall (Pi: TypeS) (R: TypeS) (D: TypeEnv),
forall (X: TypeVar),
(typeSubst_in_typeEnv (snoc D Pi) X R) =
(snoc (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D X R) (typeSubst_in_type Pi (X + length D) R))
Lemma lift_of_snoc_aux:
forall (Pi: TypeS) (n: nat) (D: TypeEnv) (k: nat),
(lift_at_depth_in_typeEnv (snoc D Pi) n k) =
(snoc (lift_at_depth_in_typeEnv D n k) (lift_at_depth_in_type Pi n (k + length D)))
Lemma lift_of_snoc:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (n: nat),
(lift_in_typeEnv (snoc D Pi) n) =
(snoc (lift_in_typeEnv D n) (lift_at_depth_in_type Pi n (length D)))
Lemma Lifting_preserves_kind_of:
forall (t: TypeS) (k: KindS) (n: nat),
(kind_of t k) ->
forall (d: nat),
(kind_of (lift_at_depth_in_type t n d) k)
Lemma TypeSection_at_is_a_partial_function:
forall (ts: TypeEnv) (k: nat) (t: TypeS),
(TypeSection_at ts k t) ->
forall (t': TypeS),
(TypeSection_at ts k t') ->
(t = t')
Lemma decl_of_typeVar_is_a_partial_function:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi Pi': TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar D X Pi) ->
(decl_of_typeVar D X Pi') ->
(Pi = Pi')
Lemma kind_of_is_a_partial_function:
forall (t: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(kind_of t k) ->
forall (k': KindS),
(kind_of t k') ->
(k = k')
Lemma length_of_typeSubst:
forall (R: TypeS) (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar),
(length (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D X R)) = (length D)
Lemma length_of_typeLift:
forall (n: nat) (D: TypeEnv) (k: nat),
(length (lift_at_depth_in_typeEnv D n k)) = (length D)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem1:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (k: nat),
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) ((length D2) + k) Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at D1 k Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem2:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (k: nat),
(TypeSection_at D1 k Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) ((length D2) + k) Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem3:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (k: nat),
(TypeSection_at D2 k Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) k Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem4:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS) (k: nat),
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) k Pi) ->
(k < (length D2)) ->
(TypeSection_at D2 k Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem5:
forall (Pi R: TypeS) (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar),
(TypeSection_at D X Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D 0 R) X
(typeSubst_in_type Pi ((length D) - (S X)) R))
Lemma by_omega1: forall (x: nat), (x > 0) -> (S (pred x)) = x.
Lemma Declaration_of_type_variable_1:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi Pi' R: TypeS) (X: TypeVar),
X > (length D2) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) X Pi') ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D2 0 R)) (pred X)
(drop_in_type Pi'))
Lemma Declaration_of_type_variable_1_bis:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi Pi' R: TypeS) (X: TypeVar),
X > (length D2) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) X Pi') ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D2 0 R)) (pred X)
(typeSubst_in_type Pi' (length D2) R))
Lemma Declaration_of_type_variable_2:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi Pi' R: TypeS) (X: TypeVar),
X < (length D2) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) X Pi') ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D2 0 R)) X (typeSubst_in_type Pi' (length D2) R))
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem6:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS),
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) (length D2) Pi)
Lemma Declaration_of_type_variable_3:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) (length D2) (lift_in_type Pi (S (length D2))))
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem7:
forall (Pi: TypeS) (D: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (n: nat),
(TypeSection_at D X Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at (lift_at_depth_in_typeEnv D n 0) X
(lift_at_depth_in_type Pi n ((length D) - (S X))))
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem8:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D3) X Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2 ++ D3)
(lift_at_depth_in_typeVar X (length D2) (length D3))
Weakening of type declaration by the right
Lemma Weakening_of_type_declaration_by_the_right:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D3) X Pi) ->
(D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_typeVar X (length D2) (length D3))
(lift_at_depth_in_type Pi (length D2) (length D3)))
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D3) X Pi) ->
(D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_typeVar X (length D2) (length D3))
(lift_at_depth_in_type Pi (length D2) (length D3)))
Weakening of well-kindedness by the right (auxiliary)
Lemma Weakening_of_well_kindedness_by_the_right_aux:
forall (D1 D2 D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D3: TypeEnv),
D = (D1 ++ D3) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_type s (length D2) (length D3)) c)
forall (D1 D2 D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D3: TypeEnv),
D = (D1 ++ D3) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_type s (length D2) (length D3)) c)
Weakening_of_well-kindedness by the right
Lemma Weakening_of_well_kindedness_by_the_right:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D': TypeEnv),
(Type_WK (D ++ D') (lift_in_type s (length D')) c)
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D': TypeEnv),
(Type_WK (D ++ D') (lift_in_type s (length D')) c)
Weakening_of_well-kindedness by the right
Lemma Weakening_of_well_kindedness_by_the_right_snoc:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s Pi: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) (lift_in_type s 1) c)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem1_cor1:
forall (D1 D2 : TypeEnv) (Pi : TypeS) (k : nat),
k >= (length D2) ->
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) k Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at D1 (k - (length D2)) Pi)
Theorem Weakening_of_type_declaration:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D3) X Pi) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_typeVar X (length D2) (length D3))
(lift_at_depth_in_type Pi (length D2) (length D3)))
Theorem Weakening_of_well_kindedness:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D3) t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_type t (length D2) (length D3)) c)
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s Pi: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) (lift_in_type s 1) c)
Lemma TypeSection_at_lem1_cor1:
forall (D1 D2 : TypeEnv) (Pi : TypeS) (k : nat),
k >= (length D2) ->
(TypeSection_at (D1 ++ D2) k Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at D1 (k - (length D2)) Pi)
Theorem Weakening_of_type_declaration:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D3) X Pi) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_typeVar X (length D2) (length D3))
(lift_at_depth_in_type Pi (length D2) (length D3)))
Theorem Weakening_of_well_kindedness:
forall (D1 D2 D3: TypeEnv) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D3) t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2 ++ (lift_in_typeEnv D3 (length D2)))
(lift_at_depth_in_type t (length D2) (length D3)) c)
Well-kindedness is preserved by subtitution of types that match kinds
Lemma Type_substitution_preserves_well_kindedness:
forall (D1: TypeEnv) (Pi R: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D1 R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D2: TypeEnv),
D = (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D2 0 R))
(typeSubst_in_type s (length D2) R) c)
Lemma Substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_snoc:
forall (D : TypeEnv) (Pi R : TypeS) (k : KindS) (s : TypeS) (c : TypeC),
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) s c) ->
(Type_WK D (typeSubst_in_type s 0 R) c)
Lemma Type_substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_cor1:
forall (Pi1 Pi2 R: TypeS) (k: KindS) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK nil R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
(Type_WK (Pi1 :: Pi2 :: nil) t c) ->
(Type_WK ((typeSubst_in_type Pi2 0 R) :: nil)
(typeSubst_in_type t 1 R) c)
Lemma Type_substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_cor2:
forall (Pi R : TypeS) (k : KindS) (t : TypeS) (c : TypeC),
(Type_WK nil R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK (Pi :: nil) t c) ->
(Type_WK nil (typeSubst_in_type t 0 R) c)
forall (D1: TypeEnv) (Pi R: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Type_WK D1 R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
forall (D: TypeEnv) (s: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D s c) ->
forall (D2: TypeEnv),
D = (D1 ++ (Pi :: D2)) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ (typeSubst_in_typeEnv D2 0 R))
(typeSubst_in_type s (length D2) R) c)
Lemma Substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_snoc:
forall (D : TypeEnv) (Pi R : TypeS) (k : KindS) (s : TypeS) (c : TypeC),
(Type_WK D R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK (snoc D Pi) s c) ->
(Type_WK D (typeSubst_in_type s 0 R) c)
Lemma Type_substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_cor1:
forall (Pi1 Pi2 R: TypeS) (k: KindS) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK nil R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
(Type_WK (Pi1 :: Pi2 :: nil) t c) ->
(Type_WK ((typeSubst_in_type Pi2 0 R) :: nil)
(typeSubst_in_type t 1 R) c)
Lemma Type_substitution_preserves_well_kindedness_cor2:
forall (Pi R : TypeS) (k : KindS) (t : TypeS) (c : TypeC),
(Type_WK nil R (TypeTuple k)) ->
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(Type_WK (Pi :: nil) t c) ->
(Type_WK nil (typeSubst_in_type t 0 R) c)
Weakening of type declaration by the left
Lemma Weakening_of_type_declaration_by_the_left:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar D2 X Pi) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D2) X Pi)
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi: TypeS),
(decl_of_typeVar D2 X Pi) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ D2) X Pi)
Weakening of well-kindedness by the left
Lemma Weakening_of_well_kindedness_by_the_left:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D2 t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2) t c)
Hint Rewrite snoc_of_append snoc_of_cons: snoc_rewrite.
Lemma Lifting_preserves_kind_of_reverse:
forall (t: TypeS) (k: KindS) (n: nat) (d: nat),
(kind_of (lift_at_depth_in_type t n d) k) ->
(kind_of t k)
Lemma Forall2_app:
forall (A B: Set) (P: A -> B -> Prop) (xs1 xs2: (list A)) (ys1 ys2: (list B)),
(Forall2 P xs1 ys1) ->
(Forall2 P xs2 ys2) ->
(Forall2 P (xs1 ++ xs2) (ys1 ++ ys2))
Lemma TypeSection_at_implies_List_from:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (i: nat) (Pi: TypeS),
(TypeSection_at D i Pi) ->
(List_from D i Pi)
Lemma List_from_implies_TypeSection_at:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (i: nat) (Pi: TypeS),
(List_from D i Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at D i Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_and_kind_of:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi1: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Forall2 (fun Pi1 Pi2 => forall (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->(kind_of Pi2 k)) D1 D2) ->
(TypeSection_at D1 X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(TypeSection_at D2 X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k)
Lemma decl_of_typeVar_and_kind_of:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi1: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Forall2 (fun Pi1 Pi2 => forall (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->(kind_of Pi2 k)) D1 D2) ->
(decl_of_typeVar D1 X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(decl_of_typeVar D2 X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k)
Lemma decl_of_typeVar_and_kind_of_cor1:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi Pi' Pi1: TypeS) (k k1: KindS),
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(kind_of Pi' k) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ Pi :: D2) X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k1) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ Pi' :: D2) X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k1)
Theorem Well_kindedness_does_not_depend_on_bounds:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (t Pi Pi': TypeS) (c: TypeC) (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(kind_of Pi' k) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ Pi :: D2) t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ Pi' :: D2) t c)
End SetProgram.
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (t: TypeS) (c: TypeC),
(Type_WK D2 t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ D2) t c)
Hint Rewrite snoc_of_append snoc_of_cons: snoc_rewrite.
Lemma Lifting_preserves_kind_of_reverse:
forall (t: TypeS) (k: KindS) (n: nat) (d: nat),
(kind_of (lift_at_depth_in_type t n d) k) ->
(kind_of t k)
Lemma Forall2_app:
forall (A B: Set) (P: A -> B -> Prop) (xs1 xs2: (list A)) (ys1 ys2: (list B)),
(Forall2 P xs1 ys1) ->
(Forall2 P xs2 ys2) ->
(Forall2 P (xs1 ++ xs2) (ys1 ++ ys2))
Lemma TypeSection_at_implies_List_from:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (i: nat) (Pi: TypeS),
(TypeSection_at D i Pi) ->
(List_from D i Pi)
Lemma List_from_implies_TypeSection_at:
forall (D: TypeEnv) (i: nat) (Pi: TypeS),
(List_from D i Pi) ->
(TypeSection_at D i Pi)
Lemma TypeSection_at_and_kind_of:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi1: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Forall2 (fun Pi1 Pi2 => forall (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->(kind_of Pi2 k)) D1 D2) ->
(TypeSection_at D1 X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(TypeSection_at D2 X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k)
Lemma decl_of_typeVar_and_kind_of:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi1: TypeS) (k: KindS),
(Forall2 (fun Pi1 Pi2 => forall (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->(kind_of Pi2 k)) D1 D2) ->
(decl_of_typeVar D1 X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(decl_of_typeVar D2 X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k)
Lemma decl_of_typeVar_and_kind_of_cor1:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (X: TypeVar) (Pi Pi' Pi1: TypeS) (k k1: KindS),
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(kind_of Pi' k) ->
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ Pi :: D2) X Pi1) ->
(kind_of Pi1 k1) ->
exists Pi2: TypeS,
(decl_of_typeVar (D1 ++ Pi' :: D2) X Pi2) /\
(kind_of Pi2 k1)
Theorem Well_kindedness_does_not_depend_on_bounds:
forall (D1 D2: TypeEnv) (t Pi Pi': TypeS) (c: TypeC) (k: KindS),
(kind_of Pi k) ->
(kind_of Pi' k) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ Pi :: D2) t c) ->
(Type_WK (D1 ++ Pi' :: D2) t c)
End SetProgram.