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public class java.util.TreeSet<A>
(source file: TreeSet.java)
The pure class interface.
public class TreeSet<A>
extends AbstractSet<A>
implements SortedSet<A>, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable
This class implements the Set interface, backed by a TreeMap. This class
guarantees that the Map will be in ascending key order, sorted according
to the natural sort method for the key Class (see Comparable), or
by the Comparator provided at TreeSet creation time, depending on which
constructor is used. Note that this ordering must be total
in order for the Tree to function properly. (A total ordering is
an ordering for which a.compareTo(b)==0 implies that a.equals(b).)
This implementation provides guaranteed log(n) time cost for the basic
operations (add, remove and contains).
Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If
multiple threads access a TreeSet concurrently, and at least one of the
threads modifies the TreeSet, it must be synchronized externally.
This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that
naturally encapsulates the TreeSet. If no such object exists, the TreeSet
should be "wrapped" using the Collections.synchronizedSet method. This is
best done at creation time, to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to
the TreeSet:
Set s = Collections.synchronizedSet(new TreeSet(...));
The Iterators returned by TreeSet's iterator method are
fail-fast: if the HashSet is modified at any time after the
Iterator is created, in any way except through the Iterator's own remove
method, the Iterator will throw a ConcurrentModificationException. Thus,
in the face of concurrent modification, the Iterator fails quickly and
cleanly, rather than risking arbitrary, non-deterministic behavior at an
undetermined time in the future.
- See also:
- Collection, Set, HashSet, ArraySet, Comparable, Comparator, Collections.synchronizedSet, TreeMap

Constructs a new TreeSet containing the elements in the specified
Collection, sorted
Constructs a new TreeSet containing the same elements as the given
SortedSet, sorted
Constructs a new, empty TreeSet, sorted according to the given
Constructs a new, empty TreeSet, sorted according to the elements'
natural sort method

Adds the specified element to this Set if it is not already present.
Removes all of the elements from this Set.
Returns a shallow copy of this TreeSet
Returns the comparator used to order this TreeMap, or null if this
TreeMap uses its keys
Returns true if this TreeSet contains the specified element.
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this TreeSet.
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements are
strictly less than
Returns true if this TreeSet contains no elements.
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this TreeSet
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this TreeSet.
Removes the given element from this Set if it is present.
Returns the number of elements in this TreeSet (its cardinality).
subSet(A, A)
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements range
from fromElement,
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements are
strictly less than

public TreeSet();
Constructs a new, empty TreeSet, sorted according to the elements'
natural sort method. All elements inserted into the TreeSet must
implement the Comparable interface. Furthermore, all such elements
must be mutually comparable: e1.compareTo(e2) must not throw a
typeMismatchException for any elements e1 and e2 in the TreeSet. If
the user attempts to add an element to the TreeSet that violates this
constraint (for example, the user attempts to add a String element to
a TreeSet whose elements are Integers), the add(Object) call will throw
a ClassCastException.
- See also:
- Comparable
public TreeSet(Comparator<A> c);
Constructs a new, empty TreeSet, sorted according to the given
comparator. All elements inserted into the TreeSet must be mutually
comparable by the given comparator: comparator.compare(e1, e2)
must not throw a typeMismatchException for any elements e1 and e2
in the TreeSet. If the user attempts to add an element to the
TreeSet that violates this constraint, the add(Object) call will throw
a ClassCastException.
public TreeSet(Collection<A> c);
Constructs a new TreeSet containing the elements in the specified
Collection, sorted according to the elements' natural sort
method. All keys inserted into the TreeSet must implement the
Comparable interface. Furthermore, all such keys must be mutually
comparable: k1.compareTo(k2) must not throw a typeMismatchException
for any elements k1 and k2 in the TreeSet.
- Throws:
- ClassCastException -the keys in t are not Comparable, or
are not mutually comparable.
public TreeSet(SortedSet<A> s);
Constructs a new TreeSet containing the same elements as the given
SortedSet, sorted according to the same ordering.

public Iterator<A> iterator();
Returns an Iterator over the elements in this TreeSet. The elements
are returned in ascending order.
- Overrides:
- iterator in class AbstractCollection
public int size();
Returns the number of elements in this TreeSet (its cardinality).
- Overrides:
- size in class AbstractCollection
public boolean isEmpty();
Returns true if this TreeSet contains no elements.
- Overrides:
- isEmpty in class AbstractCollection
public boolean contains(A o);
Returns true if this TreeSet contains the specified element.
- Overrides:
- contains in class AbstractCollection
public boolean add(A o);
Adds the specified element to this Set if it is not already present.
- Parameters:
- o - element to be added to this Set.
- Returns:
- true if the Set did not already contain the specified element.
- Overrides:
- add in class AbstractCollection
public boolean remove(A o);
Removes the given element from this Set if it is present.
- Parameters:
- o - object to be removed from this Set, if present.
- Returns:
- true if the Set contained the specified element.
- Overrides:
- remove in class AbstractCollection
public void clear();
Removes all of the elements from this Set.
- Overrides:
- clear in class AbstractCollection
public SortedSet<A> subSet(A fromElement,
A toElement);
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements range
from fromElement, inclusive, to toElement, exclusive. The returned Set
is backed by this TreeSet, so changes in the returned Set are
reflected in this TreeSet, and vice-versa. The returned Set supports
all optional Set operations. It does not support the subSet
The Set returned by this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException
if the user attempts to insert an element outside the specified range.
- Parameters:
- fromElement - low endpoint (inclusive) of the subSet.
- fromElement - high endpoint (exclusive) of the subSet.
- Throws:
- ClassCastException -fromElement or toElement cannot be
with the elements currently in the TreeSet.
- NullPointerException -fromElement or toElement is null and
this TreeSet uses natural sort method, or its comparator
does not tolerate null elements.
- IllegalArgumentException -fromElement is greater than
public SortedSet<A> headSet(A toElement);
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements are
strictly less than toElement. The returned Set is backed by this
TreeSet, so changes in the returned Set are reflected in this TreeSet,
and vice-versa. The returned Set supports all optional Set operations.
It does not support the subSet operation, as it is not a TreeSet.
The Set returned by this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException
if the user attempts to insert an element greater than or equal to
- Parameters:
- toElement - high endpoint (exclusive) of the headSet.
- Throws:
- ClassCastException -toElement cannot be compared
with the elements currently in the TreeSet.
- NullPointerException -toElement is null and this
TreeSet uses natural sort method, or its comparator does
not tolerate null elements.
public SortedSet<A> tailSet(A fromElement);
Returns a view of the portion of this TreeSet whose elements are
strictly less than toElement. The returned Set is backed by this
TreeSet, so changes in the returned Set are reflected in this TreeSet,
and vice-versa. The returned Set supports all optional Set operations.
It does not support the subSet operation, as it is not a TreeSet.
The Set returned by this method will throw an IllegalArgumentException
if the user attempts to insert an element greater than or equal to
- Parameters:
- toElement - high endpoint (exclusive) of the headSet.
- Throws:
- ClassCastException -toElement cannot be compared
with the elements currently in the TreeSet.
- NullPointerException -toElement is null and this
TreeSet uses natural sort method, or its comparator does
not tolerate null elements.
public Comparator<A> comparator();
Returns the comparator used to order this TreeMap, or null if this
TreeMap uses its keys natural sort method.
public A first();
Returns the first (lowest) element currently in this TreeSet.
- Returns:
- the first (lowest) element currently in this TreeSet.
- Throws:
- NoSuchElementException -Set is empty.
public A last();
Returns the last (highest) element currently in this TreeSet.
- Returns:
- the last (highest) element currently in this TreeSet.
- Throws:
- NoSuchElementException -Set is empty.
public Object clone();
Returns a shallow copy of this TreeSet. (The elements themselves
are not cloned.)
- Overrides:
- clone in class Object
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[package java.util]
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