Scala Actors

On this page you find information about the Actors library of the Scala programming language.



Scala Actors -- A Short Tutorial
This tutorial is mainly designed as a walk-through of several complete example programs that can be readily compiled and run using Scala 2.4 or newer.

Thanks to Juanjo Bazan there is also a Spanish translation of the tutorial.

API Guide

The Scala 2.8/2.9 Actors API
This guide provides a fairly complete walk through of the most important types and methods in the API, including examples.


Actors in Scala by Philipp Haller and Frank Sommers (Artima Inc, 2011)
This book is the definitive guide to programming with the actors framework of Scala's standard library. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the actor model of concurrency and shows how Scala's actors enable you to build efficient, scalable, and robust concurrent software for the JVM.

Articles and Blogs

Selected Papers

  1. Scala Actors: Unifying thread-based and event-based programming, Philipp Haller and Martin Odersky, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 410, Issues 2-3, February 2009, Pages 202-220. (PDF, DOI)
  2. Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control, Philipp Haller and Martin Odersky, Proceedings of the 7th Joint Modular Languages Conference (JMLC'06), Oxford, UK, September 2006 (PDF, BibTex, DOI)