Arrays | Contents |
Array is a special kind of collection in Scala. One the one hand, Scala arrays correspond one-to-one to Java arrays. That is, a Scala array Array[Int] is represented as a Java int[], an Array[Double] is represented as a Java double[] and a Array[String] is represented as a Java String[]. But at the same time, Scala arrays offer much more than their Java analogues. First, Scala arrays can be generic. That is, you can have an Array[T], where T is a type parameter or abstract type. Second, Scala arrays are compatible with Scala sequences - you can pass an Array[T] where a Seq[T] is required. Finally, Scala arrays also support all sequence operations. Here's an example of this in action:
scala> val a1 = Array(1, 2, 3)
a1: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)
scala> val a2 = a1 map (_ * 3)
a2: Array[Int] = Array(3, 6, 9)
scala> val a3 = a2 filter (_ % 2 != 0)
a3: Array[Int] = Array(3, 9)
scala> a3.reverse
res1: Array[Int] = Array(9, 3)
The Scala 2.8 design is much simpler. Almost all compiler magic is gone. Instead the Scala 2.8 array implementation makes systematic use of implicit conversions. In Scala 2.8 an array does not pretend to be a sequence. It can't really be that because the data type representation of a native array is not a subtype of Seq. Instead there is an implicit "wrapping" conversion between arrays and instances of class scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray, which is a subclass of Seq. Here you see it in action:
scala> val seq: Seq[Int] = a1
seq: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(1, 2, 3)
scala> val a4: Array[Int] = s.toArray
a4: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)
scala> a1 eq a4
res2: Boolean = true
There is yet another implicit conversion that gets applied to arrays. This conversion simply "adds" all sequence methods to arrays but does not turn the array itself into a sequence. "Adding" means that the array is wrapped in another object of type ArrayOps which supports all sequence methods. Typically, this ArrayOps object is short-lived; it will usually be inaccessible after the call to the sequence method and its storage can be recycled. Modern VMs often avoid creating this object entirely.
The difference between the two implicit conversions on arrays is shown in the next REPL dialogue:
scala> val seq: Seq[Int] = a1
seq: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(1, 2, 3)
scala> seq.reverse
res2: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(3, 2, 1)
scala> val ops: collection.mutable.ArrayOps[Int] = a1
ops: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps[Int] = [I(1, 2, 3)
scala> ops.reverse
res3: Array[Int] = Array(3, 2, 1)
The ArrayOps example above was quite artificial, intended only to show the difference to WrappedArray. Normally, you'd never define a value of class ArrayOps. You'd just call a Seq method on an array:
scala> a1.reverse
res4: Array[Int] = Array(3, 2, 1)
scala> intArrayOps(a1).reverse
res5: Array[Int] = Array(3, 2, 1)
So now you know how arrays can be compatible with sequences and how they can support all sequence operations. What about genericity? In Java you cannot write a T[] where T is a type parameter. How then is Scala's Array[T] represented? In fact a generic array like Array[T] could be at run-time any of Java's eight primitive array types byte[], short[], char[], int[], long[], float[], double[], boolean[], or it could be an array of objects. The only common run-time type encompassing all of these types is AnyRef (or, equivalently java.lang.Object), so that's the type to which the Scala compiler maps Array[T]. At run-time, when an element of an array of type Array[T] is accessed or updated there is a sequence of type tests that determine the actual array type, followed by the correct array operation on the Java array. These type tests slow down array operations somewhat. You can expect accesses to generic arrays to be three to four times slower than accesses to primitive or object arrays. This means that if you need maximal performance, you should prefer concrete over generic arrays. Representing the generic array type is not enough, however, There must also be a way to create generic arrays. This is an even harder problem, which requires a little bit of help from you. To illustrate the problem, consider the following attempt to write a generic method that creates an array.
// this is wrong!
def evenElems[T](xs: Vector[T]): Array[T] = {
val arr = new Array[T]((xs.length + 1) / 2)
for (i <- 0 until xs.length by 2)
arr(i / 2) = xs(i)
error: cannot find class manifest for element type T
val arr = new Array[T]((arr.length + 1) / 2)
The Scala compiler will construct class manifests automatically if you instruct it to do so. "Instructing" means that you demand a class manifest as an implicit parameter, like this:
def evenElems[T](xs: Vector[T])(implicit m: ClassManifest[T]): Array[T] = ...
// this works
def evenElems[T: ClassManifest](xs: Vector[T]): Array[T] = {
val arr = new Array[T]((xs.length + 1) / 2)
for (i <- 0 until xs.length by 2)
arr(i / 2) = xs(i)
Here is some REPL interaction that uses the evenElems method.
scala> evenElems(Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
res6: Array[Int] = Array(1, 3, 5)
scala> evenElems(Vector("this", "is", "a", "test", "run"))
res7: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(this, a, run)
scala> def wrap[U](xs: Array[U]) = evenElems(xs)
<console>:6: error: could not find implicit value for
evidence parameter of type ClassManifest[U]
def wrap[U](xs: Array[U]) = evenElems(xs)
scala> def wrap[U: ClassManifest](xs: Array[U]) = evenElems(xs)
wrap: [U](xs: Array[U])(implicit evidence$1: ClassManifest[U])Array[U]
In summary, generic array creation demands class manifests. So whenever creating an array of a type parameter T, you also need to provide an implicit class manifest for T. The easiest way to do this is to declare the type parameter with a ClassManifest context bound, as in [T: ClassManifest].
Next: Strings
Arrays | Contents |