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Concurrent Maps

A concurrent map can be accessed by several threads at once. In addition to the usual Map operations, it provides the following atomic operations:

Operations in class ConcurrentMap

What it is

What it does

m putIfAbsent(k, v)

Adds key/value binding k -> m unless k is already defined in m
m remove (k, v) Removes entry for k if it is currently mapped to v.
m replace (k, old, new) Replaces value associated with key k to new, if it was previously bound to old.
m replace (k, v) Replaces value associated with key k to v, if it was previously bound to some value.

ConcurrentMap is a trait in the Scala collections library. Currently, its only implementation is Java's java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap, which can be converted automatically into a Scala map using the standard Java/Scala collection conversions

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Mutable BitsetsConcrete Mutable Collection ClassesWeak Hash MapsConcurrent MapsContents