How to build jdk2ikvm ===================== 1) Compile all Scala source files from 2) say the resulting classfiles are found in folder myplugins\jdk2ikvm\classes 3) prepare jdk2ikvm.jar del jdk2ikvm.jar jar -cf jdk2ikvm.jar -C myplugins\jdk2ikvm\classes scala -C myplugins\jdk2ikvm\resources\ . 4) where myplugins\jdk2ikvm\resources contains the plugin manifest scalac-plugin.xml jdk2ikvm How to run jdk2ikvm =================== jdk2ikvm is a compiler plugin for the Scala compiler. Details on compiler plugins at As with most compiler plugins, jdk2ikvm requires a few command-line options when run: -Ystop:superaccessors /*- given that the plugin runs right after typer */ -sourcepath bla\bla\src -P:jdk2ikvm:output-directory:bla\bla\out -d bla\bla\out /*- yes, again the same output folder as given above */ -Xplugin where\to\find\jdk2ikvm.jar -Yrangepos