Library Proofs_SubstitutionLemmas2

Proofs about Substitution for Parameters

Require Import Calculus.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import MatchCompNat.
Require Import Util.
Require Import List.
Require Import ListSet.

Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).

Import My_Program.

Require Proofs_SubstitutionLemmas.
Module My_Proofs_SubstitutionLemmas := Proofs_SubstitutionLemmas.SetProgram(My_Program).

Import My_Proofs_SubstitutionLemmas.
Import My_Proofs_DeBruijnSIndices.
Import My_Proofs_Progress.
Import My_Proofs_AdmissibilityOfTransitivity.
Import My_Proofs_Subclassing.
Import My_Proofs_TypeOrdering.
Import My_Proofs_Miscellaneous.
Import My_WellFormedness.
Import My_Semantics.
Import My_Typing.
Import My_TypeOrdering.
Import My_DeBruijn.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Subclassing.

Substitution for this in a list of types
Definition map_paramSubst_in_typeList (Ts: TypeList) (xvs: ParamValueList): TypeList :=
  (map (fun T => (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)) Ts)

Predicate: list ys contains, at least, all elements of xs
Definition List_sublist (A: Set) (xs ys: (list A)): Prop :=
  forall (x: A), (In x xs) -> (In x ys)

Predicate: bindings of xvs conforms to all corresponding bindings in xTs
Definition args_are_correct (xvs: ParamValueList) (xTs: ParamTypeList) :=
  forall (x: ParamSym) (v: Value) (T: type),
    (In (x, v) xvs) ->
    (In (x, T) xTs) ->
    (Gen_PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T)

Definition params_of_paramValueList (xvs: ParamValueList): (list ParamSym) :=
  (map (fun (xv: (ParamSym * Value)) => let (x, v) := xv in x) xvs)

Definition params_of_paramTypeList (xTs: ParamTypeList): (list ParamSym) :=
  (map (fun (xT: (ParamSym * type)) => let (x, T) := xT in x) xTs)

Predicate: a list of arguments xvs conforms to a list of typed parameters xTs
Definition args_conform_to_params (xvs: ParamValueList) (xTs: ParamTypeList): Prop :=
  (List_sublist _ (params_of_paramTypeList xTs) (params_of_paramValueList xvs)) /\
  (args_are_correct xvs xTs)

Definition lemmaA39_param_prop1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (Gen_PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Gen_PathTyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)

Definition lemmaA39_param_prop2 (G: Env) (T U: type) (H: (Gen_Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Gen_Subtyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type U xvs)

Definition lemmaA39_param_prop3 (G: Env) (C: ClassSym) (fvs: FieldValueList)
  (H: (Gen_FieldValueListTyping G C fvs)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Gen_FieldValueListTyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        C fvs

Lemma lemmaA39_param_main:
  forall (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (Gen_PathTyping G p T)),
    (lemmaA39_param_prop1 G p T H)

Subtitution lemmas -- path
Lemma lemmaA39_param_0:
  forall (G: Env) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    (Gen_PathTyping G p T) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Gen_PathTyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)

Subtitution lemmas -- type
Lemma lemmaA39_param_2:
  forall (G: Env) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T U: type),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    (Gen_Subtyping G T U) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Gen_Subtyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type U xvs)

Lemma lemmaA39_param_aux_1:
  forall (xts: ParamTermList) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (params_of_paramTermList (map_paramSubst_in_paramTermList xts xvs)) =
    (params_of_paramTermList xts)

Lemma lemmaA39_param_aux_2:
  forall (fts: FieldTermList) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (fields_of_fieldTermList (map_paramSubst_in_fieldTermList fts xvs)) =
    (fields_of_fieldTermList fts)

Lemma lemmaA39_param_aux_3:
  forall (Ts: TypeList) (i: nat),
    (local_types_well_formed_aux Ts i) ->
    (local_types_well_formed_aux Ts (S i))

Lemma lemmaA39_param_aux_4:
  forall (Ts: TypeList) (T: type) (i: nat),
    (local_types_well_formed_aux Ts i) ->
    (forall (k: VarSym), (varset_In k (fv_in_type T)) -> k < (length Ts) + i) ->
    (local_types_well_formed_aux (Ts ++ T :: nil) i)

Lemma lemmaA39_param_aux_4_corollary:
  forall (Ts: TypeList) (T: type),
    (local_types_well_formed Ts) ->
    (forall (k: VarSym), (varset_In k (fv_in_type T)) -> k < (length Ts)) ->
    (local_types_well_formed (Ts ++ T :: nil))

Definition lemmaA39_param1_prop1 (G: Env) (t: Term) (T: type) (H: (Typing G t T)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Typing (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_term t xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)

Definition lemmaA39_param1_prop2 (G: Env) (p: Path) (m: MethodSym) (xts: ParamTermList) (H: (ParamTermListTyping G p m xts)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (ParamTermListTyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs)
        (map_paramSubst_in_paramTermList xts xvs)

Definition lemmaA39_param1_prop3 (G: Env) (C: ClassSym) (fts: FieldTermList) (H: (FieldTermListTyping G C fts)): Prop :=
  forall (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (FieldTermListTyping (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        C (map_paramSubst_in_fieldTermList fts xvs)

Subtitution lemmas -- term
Lemma lemmaA39_param_1:
  forall (G: Env) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (t: Term) (T: type),
    (G = (Env_mk Owner_root xTs Us)) ->
    (context_is_well_formed G) ->
    (Typing G t T) ->
    forall (xvs: ParamValueList),
      (args_conform_to_params xvs xTs) ->
      (Typing (Env_mk Owner_root nil (map_paramSubst_in_typeList Us xvs))
        (map_paramSubst_in_term t xvs) (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)

End SetProgram.

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