Library Proofs_Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous properties

Require Import Calculus.
Require Import List.
Require Import ListSet.
Require Import MatchCompNat.
Require Import Util.
Require Import Omega.

Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).

Import My_Program.

Require WellFormedness.
Module My_WellFormedness := WellFormedness.SetProgram(My_Program).

Import My_WellFormedness.
Import My_Semantics.
Import My_Typing.
Import My_TypeOrdering.
Import My_DeBruijn.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Subclassing.

The program is well-formed
Axiom program_is_well_formed_proof: WF_program.

Lemma symRel_is_well_founded_proof: symRel_is_well_founded.

Lemma classes_smaller_than_types_proof: classes_smaller_than_types.

Lemma classes_are_well_formed_proof: classes_are_well_formed.

Lemma no_method_overriding_proof: no_method_overriding.

Lemma no_type_overriding_proof: no_type_overriding.

Lemma main_term_is_well_typed: (exists T: type, (Typing rootEnv main T)).

Lemma typeVal_subtype_of_upperBound:
  forall (L: TypeSym) (C: ClassSym) (S T: type),
    (typeUpperBound L) = T ->
    (typeValue L C) = (Some S) ->
    (Subtyping (classEnv C) S T)

Lemma typeVal_supertype_of_lowerBound:
  forall (L: TypeSym) (C: ClassSym) (S T: type),
    (typeLowerBound L) = (Some T) ->
    (typeValue L C) = (Some S) ->
    (Subtyping (classEnv C) T S)

Lemma methodBody_of_type_methodType:
  forall (m: MethodSym) (C: ClassSym) (t: Term) (T: type),
    (methodValue m C) = (Some t) ->
    (methodType m) = T ->
    (Typing (Env_mk (Owner_class C) (method_parameters m) nil) t T)

Lemma param_types_are_well_formed:
  forall (x: ParamSym) (T: type) (m: MethodSym) (C: ClassSym),
    (paramType x) = T ->
    (paramOwner x) = m ->
    (methodOwner m) = C ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Lemma methodTypes_are_well_formed:
  forall (m: MethodSym) (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (methodOwner m) = C ->
    (methodType m) = T ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Lemma fieldTypes_are_well_formed:
  forall (f: FieldSym) (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (fieldOwner f) = C ->
    (fieldType f) = T ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Lemma typeUpperBounds_are_well_formed:
  forall (L: TypeSym) (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (typeOwner L) = C ->
    (typeUpperBound L) = T ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Lemma typeLowerBounds_are_well_formed:
  forall (L: TypeSym) (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (typeOwner L) = C ->
    (typeLowerBound L) = (Some T) ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Lemma typeValues_are_well_formed:
  forall (L: TypeSym) (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (typeValue L C) = (Some T) ->
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T)

Admissibility of subsumption
Lemma lemmaA1:
  forall (G: Env) (t: Term) (T U: type),
    (Typing G t T) ->
    (Gen_Subtyping G T U) ->
    (Typing G t U)

Self in self substitution
Lemma lemmaA2_1:
  forall (p q: Path),
    (this_in_path (thisSubst_in_path q p)) ->
    (this_in_path p)

Self in self substitution
Lemma lemmaA2_2:
  forall (p: Path) (T: type),
    (this_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T p)) ->
    (this_in_path p)

Lemma lemmaA24_aux:
  forall (p: Path) (T: type),
    ~(this_in_path p) ->
    ~(this_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T p))

Lemma free_parameters_and_lifting_aux_0:
  forall (p: Path) (n k: nat),
    (fp_in_path (lift_at_depth_in_path p n k)) = (fp_in_path p)

Lemma free_parameters_and_lifting_aux_2:
  forall (T: type) (n k: nat),
    (fp_in_type (lift_at_depth_in_type T n k)) = (fp_in_type T)

Lemma free_parameters_and_lifting_0:
  forall (p: Path) (n: nat),
    (fp_in_path (lift_in_path p n)) = (fp_in_path p)

Lemma free_parameters_and_lifting_2:
  forall (T: type) (n: nat),
    (fp_in_type (lift_in_type T n)) = (fp_in_type T)

Free parameters are in the context
Function: first projection of a list of typed parameters
Definition paramTypeList_to_paramList (xTs: ParamTypeList): (list ParamSym) :=
  (map (fun a => match a with (x, T) => x end) xTs)

Lemma lemmaA3_aux_1:
  forall (x: ParamSym) (T: type) (xTs: ParamTypeList),
    (In (x, T) xTs) ->
    (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Definition lemmaA3_prop1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (Gen_PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym),
      (paramset_In x (paramset_union (fp_in_path p) (fp_in_type T))) ->
      (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Definition lemmaA3_prop2 (G: Env) (T U: type) (H: (Gen_Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym),
      (paramset_In x (paramset_union (fp_in_type T) (fp_in_type U))) ->
      (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Free parameters are in the context -- subtyping
Lemma lemmaA3_2:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T U: type),
    (Gen_Subtyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) T U) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym),
      (paramset_In x (paramset_union (fp_in_type T) (fp_in_type U))) ->
      (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Free parameters are in the context -- path typing
Lemma lemmaA3_0:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) p T) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym),
      (paramset_In x (paramset_union (fp_in_path p) (fp_in_type T))) ->
      (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Free parameters are in the context -- type well-formedness
Lemma lemmaA3_3:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T: type),
    (Kinding (Env_mk O xTs Us) T) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym),
      (paramset_In x (fp_in_type T)) ->
      (In x (paramTypeList_to_paramList xTs))

Lemma lemmaA3_3_corollary:
  forall (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T) ->
    forall (x: ParamSym), ~(paramset_In x (fp_in_type T))

Free variables are in the context
Definition lemmaA4_prop1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (Gen_PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_path p d) (fv_at_depth_in_type T d))) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Definition lemmaA4_prop2 (G: Env) (T U: type) (H: (Gen_Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_type T d) (fv_at_depth_in_type U d))) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Free variables are in the context -- subtyping
Lemma lemmaA4_2':
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T U: type),
    (Gen_Subtyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) T U) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_type T d) (fv_at_depth_in_type U d))) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Free variables are in the context -- path typing
Lemma lemmaA4_0':
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) p T) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_path p d) (fv_at_depth_in_type T d))) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Free variables are in the context -- type well-formedness
Lemma lemmaA4_3':
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T: type),
    (Kinding (Env_mk O xTs Us) T) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (fv_at_depth_in_type T d)) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Lemma lemmaA4_0:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) p T) ->
    forall (n: VarSym),
      (varset_In n (varset_union (fv_in_path p) (fv_in_type T))) ->
      (n < (length Us))

Lemma lemmaA4_2:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T U: type),
    (Gen_Subtyping (Env_mk O xTs Us) T U) ->
    forall (n: VarSym),
      (varset_In n (varset_union (fv_in_type T) (fv_in_type U))) ->
      (n < (length Us))

Lemma lemmaA4_3:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (T: type),
    (Kinding (Env_mk O xTs Us) T) ->
    forall (n: VarSym),
      (varset_In n (fv_in_type T)) ->
      (n < (length Us))

Lemma lemmaA4_3_corollary:
  forall (C: ClassSym) (T: type),
    (Kinding (classEnv C) T) ->
    (forall (n: nat), ~(varset_In n (fv_in_type T)))

Lemma lemmaA4_0_corollary:
  forall (v: Value) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T) ->
    forall (n: VarSym), ~(varset_In n (fv_in_type T))

Definition lemmaA4_1_prop1 (G: Env) (t: Term) (T: type) (H: (Typing G t T)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_term t d) (fv_at_depth_in_type T d))) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Definition lemmaA4_1_prop2 (G: Env) (p: Path) (m: MethodSym) (xts: ParamTermList)
  (H: (ParamTermListTyping G p m xts)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
      forall (k: VarSym),
        (varset_In k (fv_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts d)) ->
        (k < (length Us) - d)

Definition lemmaA4_1_prop3 (G: Env) (C: ClassSym) (fts: FieldTermList)
  (H: (FieldTermListTyping G C fts)): Prop :=
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList),
    G = (Env_mk O xTs Us) ->
    forall (d: nat),
      d <= (length Us) ->
    forall (k: VarSym),
      (varset_In k (fv_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts d)) ->
      (k < (length Us) - d)

Lemma lemmaA4_1:
  forall (O: Owner) (xTs: ParamTypeList) (Us: TypeList) (t: Term) (T: type),
    (Typing (Env_mk O xTs Us) t T) ->
    forall (n: VarSym),
      (varset_In n (varset_union (fv_in_term t) (fv_in_type T))) ->
      (n < (length Us))

Lemma param_in_classEnv:
  forall (C: ClassSym) (x: ParamSym) (T: type),
    ~(PathTyping (classEnv C) (Path_param x) T)

Lemma var_in_classEnv:
  forall (C: ClassSym ) (n: VarSym) (T: type),
    ~(PathTyping (classEnv C) (Path_var n) T)

Lemma path_in_classEnv:
  forall (C: ClassSym) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (PathTyping (classEnv C) p T) ->
    (p = Path_this) \/
    exists v: Value, p = (Path_value v)

Chaining self substitutions
Lemma lemmaA8_1:
  forall (p1 p2 q: Path),
    (thisSubst_in_path (thisSubst_in_path q p1) p2) =
    (thisSubst_in_path q (thisSubst_in_path p1 p2))

Chaining self substitutions
Lemma lemmaA8_2:
  forall (p1 p2: Path) (T: type),
    (thisSubst_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T p1) p2) =
    (thisSubst_in_type T (thisSubst_in_path p1 p2))

Definition lemmaA5_P1 (t: Term): Prop :=
  forall (v: Value) (t': Term),
    (value_to_term v) = t ->
    ~(Red_term t t').

Definition lemmaA5_P2 (fts: FieldTermList): Prop :=
  forall (fvs: FieldValueList) (fts': FieldTermList),
    (fieldValueList_to_fieldTermList fvs) = fts ->
    ~(Red_fieldTermList fts fts').

Lemma lemmaA5: forall (t : Term), (lemmaA5_P1 t).

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 1
Lemma lemmaA6_1:
  forall (T: type),
    ~(PathTyping rootEnv Path_this T)

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 1
Lemma lemmaA6_1':
  forall (T: type),
    ~(Gen_PathTyping rootEnv Path_this T)

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 2
Lemma lemmaA6_2:
  forall (x: ParamSym) (T: type),
    ~(PathTyping rootEnv (Path_param x) T)

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 2
Lemma lemmaA6_2':
  forall (x: ParamSym) (T: type),
    ~(Gen_PathTyping rootEnv (Path_param x) T)

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 3
Lemma lemmaA6_3:
  forall (n: VarSym) (T: type),
    ~(PathTyping rootEnv (Path_var n) T)

Some terms are not typable in empty context - 3
Lemma lemmaA6_3':
  forall (n: VarSym) (T: type),
    ~(Gen_PathTyping rootEnv (Path_var n) T)

Paths typable in empty context are values
Lemma lemmaA7:
  forall (p: Path) (T: type),
    (PathTyping rootEnv p T) ->
    exists v: Value, p = (Path_value v)

Paths typable in empty context are values
Lemma lemmaA7':
  forall (p: Path) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping rootEnv p T) ->
    exists v: Value, p = (Path_value v)

Decidability of equality for values

Definition Value_eqdec' (v: Value): Set := forall (v' : Value), { v = v' }+{ v <> v' }.
Definition FieldValueList_eqdec' (fvs: FieldValueList): Set := forall (fvs': FieldValueList), { fvs = fvs' }+{ fvs <> fvs' }.

Lemma Value_eqdec: forall (v: Value), (Value_eqdec' v).

Decidability of equality for paths
Lemma Path_eqdec: forall (p q : Path), { p = q }+{ p <> q }.

Decidability of equality for types
Lemma Type_eqdec : forall (T U : type), { T = U }+{ T <> U }.

Definition paramValueList_to_paramList (xvs: ParamValueList): (list ParamSym) :=
  (map (fun a => match a with (x, v) => x end) xvs)

Lemma lemmaA9_aux_0:
  forall (x: ParamSym) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    ~(In x (paramValueList_to_paramList xvs)) ->
    (map_paramSubst_in_path (Path_param x) xvs) = (Path_param x)

Lemma lemmaA9_0:
  forall (q: Path) (p: Path) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (forall (x: ParamSym), (In x (paramValueList_to_paramList xvs)) -> ~(param_in_path x q)) ->
    (map_paramSubst_in_path (thisSubst_in_path q p) xvs) =
    (thisSubst_in_path q (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs))

Lemma lemmaA9_2:
  forall (T: type) (p: Path) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (forall (x: ParamSym), (In x (paramValueList_to_paramList xvs)) -> ~(param_in_type x T)) ->
    (map_paramSubst_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T p) xvs) =
    (thisSubst_in_type T (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs))

Lemma lemmaA10_0:
  forall (q: Path) (p: Path) (k: nat) (v: Value),
    (fv_in_path q) = empty_varset ->
    (varSubst_in_path (thisSubst_in_path q p) k v) =
    (thisSubst_in_path q (varSubst_in_path p k v))

Lemma lemmaA10_2:
  forall (T: type) (p: Path) (k: nat) (v: Value),
    (fv_in_type T) = empty_varset ->
    (varSubst_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T p) k v) =
    (thisSubst_in_type T (varSubst_in_path p k v))

Lemma new_lemma1_0:
  forall (p: Path) (q: Path),
    ~(this_in_path p) ->
    (thisSubst_in_path p q) = p

Lemma new_lemma1_2:
  forall (T: type) (q: Path),
    ~(this_in_type T) ->
    (thisSubst_in_type T q) = T

Lemma new_lemma2_0:
  forall (q: Path),
    (fp_in_path q) = empty_paramset ->
    forall (p: Path),
      (fp_in_path (thisSubst_in_path p q)) = (fp_in_path p)

Lemma new_lemma2_2:
  forall (q: Path),
    (fp_in_path q) = empty_paramset ->
    forall (T: type),
      (fp_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T q)) = (fp_in_type T)

Lemma fp_and_paramSubst_in_path:
  forall (p: Path) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (fp_in_path p) = empty_paramset ->
    (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs) = p

Lemma fp_and_paramSubst_in_type:
  forall (T: type) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (fp_in_type T) = empty_paramset ->
    (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs) = T

Lemma fv_and_paramSubst_in_path:
  forall (p: Path) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (fv_in_path (map_paramSubst_in_path p xvs)) = (fv_in_path p)

Lemma fv_and_paramSubst_in_type:
  forall (T: type) (xvs: ParamValueList),
    (fv_in_type (map_paramSubst_in_type T xvs)) = (fv_in_type T)

End SetProgram.

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