Library Proofs_AdmissibilityOfTransitivity

Proofs about Admissibility of Transitivity for Subtyping

Require Import Calculus.

Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).

Import My_Program.

Require Proofs_Subclassing.
Module My_Proofs_Subclassing := Proofs_Subclassing.SetProgram(My_Program).

Import My_Proofs_Subclassing.
Import My_Proofs_TypeOrdering.
Import My_Proofs_Miscellaneous.
Import My_WellFormedness.
Import My_Semantics.
Import My_Typing.
Import My_TypeOrdering.
Import My_DeBruijn.
Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Subclassing.

Definition lemmaA23_prop1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  (Gen_PathTyping G p T)

Definition lemmaA23_prop2 (G: Env) (T: type) (U: type) (H: (Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  (Gen_Subtyping G T U)

Definition lemmaA23_prop3 (G: Env) (C: ClassSym) (fvs: FieldValueList) (H: (FieldValueListTyping G C fvs)): Prop :=
  (Gen_FieldValueListTyping G C fvs)

Unstructuring derivations
Lemma lemmaA23_2:
  forall (G: Env) (T: type) (U: type),
    (Subtyping G T U) ->
    (Gen_Subtyping G T U)

Unstructuring derivations
Lemma lemmaA23_1:
  forall (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type),
    (PathTyping G p T) ->
    (Gen_PathTyping G p T)

Definition lemmaA24_prop_1 (G: Env) (TA T: type) (H: (Subtyping G TA T)): Prop :=
  forall (C A: ClassSym),
    G = (classEnv C) ->
    TA = (type_class A) ->
    ~(this_in_type T) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv (type_class A) T)

Definition lemmaA24_prop_2 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (C: ClassSym) (v: Value),
    G = (classEnv C) ->
    p = (Path_value v) ->
    ~(this_in_type T) ->
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T)

Definition lemmaA24_prop_3 (G: Env) (B: ClassSym) (fvs: FieldValueList) (H: (FieldValueListTyping G B fvs)): Prop :=
  forall (C: ClassSym),
    G = (classEnv C) ->
    (FieldValueListTyping rootEnv B fvs)

Strengthening - 2
Lemma lemmaA24_2_aux:
  forall (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: PathTyping G p T),
    (lemmaA24_prop_2 G p T H)

Strengthening - 2
Lemma lemmaA24_2:
  forall (C: ClassSym) (v: Value) (T: type),
    (PathTyping (classEnv C) (Path_value v) T) ->
    ~(this_in_type T) ->
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T)

Admissibility of transitivity for class type subtyping
Lemma lemmaA25:
  forall (G G' G'': Env) (A B C: ClassSym),
    (Subtyping G (type_class A) (type_class B)) ->
    (Subtyping G' (type_class B) (type_class C)) ->
    (Subtyping G'' (type_class A) (type_class C))

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 1
Definition lemmaA26_prop_1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (v: Value) (C A: ClassSym),
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) (type_class C)) ->
    G = (classEnv C) ->
    T = (type_class A) ->
    (PathTyping rootEnv (thisSubst_in_path p (Path_value v)) (type_class A))

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 2
Definition lemmaA26_prop_2 (G: Env) (T U: type) (H: (Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  forall (v: Value) (C: ClassSym),
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) (type_class C)) ->
    G = (classEnv C) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv (thisSubst_in_type T (Path_value v)) (thisSubst_in_type U (Path_value v)))

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 1
Lemma lemmaA26_1_aux:
  forall (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (PathTyping G p T)),
    (lemmaA26_prop_1 G p T H).

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 1
Lemma lemmaA26_1:
  forall (v: Value) (C: ClassSym),
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) (type_class C)) ->
    forall (A: ClassSym) (p: Path),
      (PathTyping (classEnv C) p (type_class A)) ->
      (PathTyping rootEnv (thisSubst_in_path p (Path_value v)) (type_class A))

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 2
Lemma lemmaA26_2_aux:
  forall (G: Env) (T U: type) (H: (Subtyping G T U)),
    (lemmaA26_prop_2 G T U H).

Substitution for self in structured derivations - 2
Lemma lemmaA26_2:
  forall (v: Value) (C: ClassSym) (T U: type),
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) (type_class C)) ->
    (Subtyping (classEnv C) T U) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv (thisSubst_in_type T (Path_value v)) (thisSubst_in_type U (Path_value v)))

Import Type_Multiset.
Import Type_MultisetOrder.
Import MSet.

Definition lemmaA27_prop (tm: Type_Multiset.Multiset): Prop :=
  forall (T S U: type),
    tm = ({{T}} + {{S}} + {{U}}) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv T S) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv S U) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv T U)

Admissibility of transitivity for structured subtyping
Lemma lemmaA27:
  forall (T S U: type),
    (Subtyping rootEnv T S) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv S U) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv T U)

Definition lemmaA28_prop1 (G: Env) (p: Path) (T: type) (H: (Gen_PathTyping G p T)): Prop :=
  forall (v: Value),
    (G = rootEnv) ->
    (p = (Path_value v)) ->
    (PathTyping rootEnv p T)

Definition lemmaA28_prop2 (G: Env) (T: type) (U: type) (H: (Gen_Subtyping G T U)): Prop :=
  (G = rootEnv) ->
  (Subtyping rootEnv T U)

Definition lemmaA28_prop3 (G: Env) (C: ClassSym) (fvs: FieldValueList) (H: (Gen_FieldValueListTyping G C fvs)): Prop :=
  (G = rootEnv) ->
  (FieldValueListTyping rootEnv C fvs)

Structuring derivations -- subtyping
Lemma lemmaA28_2:
  forall (T: type) (U: type),
    (Gen_Subtyping rootEnv T U) ->
    (Subtyping rootEnv T U)

Structuring derivations -- path typing
Lemma lemmaA28_1:
  forall (v: Value) (T: type),
    (Gen_PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T) ->
    (PathTyping rootEnv (Path_value v) T)

End SetProgram.

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