Library DeBruijn

Definitions about De Bruijn's Indices

Require Import Calculus.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import MatchCompNat.
Require Import Util.
Require Import List.
Require Import ListSet.

Module SetProgram(My_Program: Program).

Import My_Program.

Require Substitutions.
Module My_Substitutions := Substitutions.SetProgram(My_Program).

Import My_Substitutions.
Import My_Subclassing.

Function: lifts var v with amplitude n at depth k

Definition lift_at_depth_in_var (i: VarSym) (n: nat) (k: nat): VarSym :=
  (match_comp_nat2 i k VarSym
    (i + n)

Function: lifts path p with amplitude n at depth k

Definition lift_at_depth_in_path (p: Path) (n: nat) (k: nat): Path :=
  match p with
    | (Path_this) => (Path_this)
    | (Path_param x) => (Path_param x)
    | (Path_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k Path
        (Path_var i)
        (Path_var (i + n))
    | (Path_value v) => (Path_value v)

Function: lifts type T with amplitude n at depth k

Definition lift_at_depth_in_type (T: type) (n: nat) (k: nat): type :=
  match T with
    | (type_virtual p L) => (type_virtual (lift_at_depth_in_path p n k) L)
    | (type_class C) => (type_class C)

Function: lifts term t with amplitude n at depth k

Fixpoint lift_at_depth_in_term (t: Term) (n: nat) (k: nat) {struct t}: Term :=
  match t with
    | (Term_this) => (Term_this)
    | (Term_param x) => (Term_param x)
    | (Term_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k Term
        (Term_var i)
        (Term_var (i + n))
    | (Term_select p f) => (Term_select (lift_at_depth_in_path p n k) f)
    | (Term_new C fts) => (Term_new C (lift_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts n k))
    | (Term_call p m xts) => (Term_call (lift_at_depth_in_path p n k) m (lift_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts n k))
    | (Term_loc T u u') => (Term_loc (lift_at_depth_in_type T n k) (lift_at_depth_in_term u n k) (lift_at_depth_in_term u' n (S k)))

Function: lifts bindings in xts with amplitude n at depth k

with lift_at_depth_in_paramTermList (xts: ParamTermList) (n: nat) (k: nat) {struct xts}: ParamTermList :=
  match xts with
    | (ParamTerm_nil) => (ParamTerm_nil)
    | (ParamTerm_cons x t xts') => (ParamTerm_cons x (lift_at_depth_in_term t n k) (lift_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts' n k))

Function: lifts bindings in fts with amplitude n at depth k

with lift_at_depth_in_fieldTermList (fts: FieldTermList) (n: nat) (k: nat) {struct fts}: FieldTermList :=
  match fts with
    | (FieldTerm_nil) => (FieldTerm_nil)
    | (FieldTerm_cons f t fts') => (FieldTerm_cons f (lift_at_depth_in_term t n k) (lift_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts' n k))

Function: lifts path p with amplitude n

Definition lift_in_path (p: Path) (n: nat): Path :=
  (lift_at_depth_in_path p n 0).

Function: lifts type T with amplitude n

Definition lift_in_type (T: type) (n: nat): type :=
  (lift_at_depth_in_type T n 0).

Function: lifts term t with amplitude n

Definition lift_in_term (t: Term) (n: nat): Term :=
  (lift_at_depth_in_term t n 0)

Function: drops path p with amplitude 1 at depth k

Definition drop_at_depth_in_path (p: Path) (k: nat): Path :=
  match p with
    | (Path_this) => (Path_this)
    | (Path_param x) => (Path_param x)
    | (Path_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k Path
        (Path_var i)
        (Path_var (pred i))
    | (Path_value v) => (Path_value v)

Function: drops type T with amplitude 1 at depth k

Definition drop_at_depth_in_type (T: type) (k: nat): type :=
  match T with
    | (type_virtual p L) => (type_virtual (drop_at_depth_in_path p k) L)
    | (type_class C) => (type_class C)

Function: drops term t with amplitude 1 at depth k

Fixpoint drop_at_depth_in_term (t: Term) (k: nat) {struct t}: Term :=
  match t with
    | (Term_this) => (Term_this)
    | (Term_param x) => (Term_param x)
    | (Term_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k Term
        (Term_var i)
        (Term_var (pred i))
    | (Term_select p f) => (Term_select (drop_at_depth_in_path p k) f)
    | (Term_call p m xts) => (Term_call (drop_at_depth_in_path p k) m (drop_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts k))
    | (Term_new C fts) => (Term_new C (drop_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts k))
    | (Term_loc T u u') => (Term_loc (drop_at_depth_in_type T k) (drop_at_depth_in_term u k) (drop_at_depth_in_term u' (S k)))

Function: drops bindings in xts with amplitude 1 at depth k

with drop_at_depth_in_paramTermList (xts: ParamTermList) (k: nat) {struct xts}: ParamTermList :=
  match xts with
    | (ParamTerm_nil) => (ParamTerm_nil)
    | (ParamTerm_cons x t xts') => (ParamTerm_cons x (drop_at_depth_in_term t k) (drop_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts' k))

Function: drops bindings in fts with amplitude 1 at depth k

with drop_at_depth_in_fieldTermList (fts: FieldTermList) (k: nat) {struct fts}: FieldTermList :=
  match fts with
    | (FieldTerm_nil) => (FieldTerm_nil)
    | (FieldTerm_cons f t fts') => (FieldTerm_cons f (drop_at_depth_in_term t k) (drop_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts' k))

Function: drops path p with amplitude 1

Definition drop_in_path (p: Path): Path :=
  (drop_at_depth_in_path p 0)

Function: drops type T with amplitude 1

Definition drop_in_type (T: type): type :=
  (drop_at_depth_in_type T 0)

Function: drops term t with amplitude 1

Definition drop_in_term (t: Term): Term :=
  (drop_at_depth_in_term t 0)

Definition VarSet := (set VarSym).
Definition empty_varset := (empty_set VarSym).
Definition varset_add (n: VarSym) (vs: VarSet) := (set_add (VarSym_eqdec) n vs).
Definition varset_union (vs: VarSet) (vs': VarSet) := (set_union (VarSym_eqdec) vs vs').
Definition varset_In (n: VarSym) (vs: VarSet): Prop := (set_In n vs).

Function: free variables of path p at depth k

Definition fv_at_depth_in_path (p: Path) (k: nat): VarSet :=
  match p with
    | (Path_this) => empty_varset
    | (Path_param x) => empty_varset
    | (Path_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k _
        (varset_add (i - k) empty_varset)
    | (Path_value v) => empty_varset

Function: free variables of type T at depth k

Definition fv_at_depth_in_type (T: type) (k: nat): VarSet :=
  match T with
    | (type_virtual p L) => (fv_at_depth_in_path p k)
    | (type_class C) => empty_varset

Function: free variables of term t at depth k

Fixpoint fv_at_depth_in_term (t: Term) (k: nat) {struct t}: VarSet :=
  match t with
    | (Term_this) => empty_varset
    | (Term_param x) => empty_varset
    | (Term_var i) =>
      (match_comp_nat2 i k _
       (varset_add (i - k) empty_varset)
    | (Term_select p f) => (fv_at_depth_in_path p k)
    | (Term_new C fts) => (fv_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts k)
    | (Term_call p m xts) => (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_path p k) (fv_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts k))
    | (Term_loc T u u') => (varset_union (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_type T k) (fv_at_depth_in_term u k)) (fv_at_depth_in_term u' (S k)))

Function: free variables of the bindings xts at depth k

with fv_at_depth_in_paramTermList (xts: ParamTermList) (k: nat) {struct xts}: VarSet :=
  match xts with
    | (ParamTerm_nil) => empty_varset
    | (ParamTerm_cons x t xts') => (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_term t k) (fv_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts' k))

Function: free variables of the bindings fts at depth k

with fv_at_depth_in_fieldTermList (fts: FieldTermList) (k: nat) {struct fts}: VarSet :=
  match fts with
    | (FieldTerm_nil) => empty_varset
    | (FieldTerm_cons f t fts') => (varset_union (fv_at_depth_in_term t k) (fv_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts' k))

Function: free variables in type T

Definition fv_in_path (p: Path): VarSet := (fv_at_depth_in_path p 0).

Function: free variables in path p

Definition fv_in_type (T: type): VarSet := (fv_at_depth_in_type T 0).

Function: free variables in term t

Definition fv_in_term (t: Term): VarSet := (fv_at_depth_in_term t 0).

Function: free variables in bindings xts

Definition fv_in_paramTermList (xts: ParamTermList): VarSet := (fv_at_depth_in_paramTermList xts 0).

Function: free variables in bindings fts

Definition fv_in_fieldTermList (fts: FieldTermList): VarSet := (fv_at_depth_in_fieldTermList fts 0).

Predicate: term t has no free variables

Definition path_is_var_closed (p: Path): Prop :=
  (fv_in_path p) = empty_varset

Predicate: term t has no free variables

Definition type_is_var_closed (T: type): Prop :=
  (fv_in_type T) = empty_varset

Predicate: term t has no free variables

Definition term_is_var_closed (t: Term): Prop :=
  (fv_in_term t) = empty_varset

Predicate: the variable n is free in the path p

Definition var_in_path (n: VarSym) (p: Path): Prop :=
  match p with
    | Path_this => False
    | (Path_param y) => False
    | (Path_var m) => m = n
    | (Path_value v) => False

Predicate: the variable n is free in the type T

Definition var_in_type (n: VarSym) (T: type): Prop :=
  match T with
    | (type_class C) => False
    | (type_virtual p L) => (var_in_path n p)

Predicate: the variable n is free in the term t

Definition var_in_term (n: VarSym) (t: Term): Prop :=
  (varset_In n (fv_in_term t))

Predicate: path p has no free variables

Definition path_is_var_closed' (p: Path): Prop :=
  forall (n: VarSym),
    ~(var_in_path n p)

Predicate: type T has no free variables

Definition type_is_var_closed' (T: type): Prop :=
  forall (n: VarSym),
    ~(var_in_type n T)

Predicate: term t has no free variables

Definition term_is_var_closed' (t: Term): Prop :=
  forall (n: VarSym),
    ~(var_in_term n t)

Lemma path_is_var_closed_eq_r:
  forall (p: Path),
    (path_is_var_closed p) -> (path_is_var_closed' p)

Lemma path_is_var_closed_eq_l:
  forall (p: Path),
    (path_is_var_closed' p) -> (path_is_var_closed p)

Lemma type_is_var_closed_eq_r:
  forall (T: type),
    (type_is_var_closed T) -> (type_is_var_closed' T)

Lemma type_is_var_closed_eq_l:
  forall (T: type),
    (type_is_var_closed' T) -> (type_is_var_closed T)

Lemma fv_termvar_non_empty:
  forall (i: VarSym),
    (fv_in_term (Term_var i)) <> empty_varset

Lemma fv_pathvar_non_empty:
  forall (i: VarSym),
    (fv_in_path (Path_var i)) <> empty_varset

Lemma fv_termvar_empty:
  forall (i: VarSym) (k: nat),
    (fv_at_depth_in_term (Term_var i) k) = empty_varset ->
    i < k

Lemma fv_pathvar_empty:
  forall (i: VarSym) (k: nat),
    (fv_at_depth_in_path (Path_var i) k) = empty_varset ->
    i < k

Lemma fv_and_var_in_path:
  forall (n: nat) (p: Path),
    (var_in_path n p) <-> (varset_In n (fv_in_path p))

Lemma fv_and_var_in_path1:
  forall (n: nat) (p: Path),
    (var_in_path n p) ->
    (varset_In n (fv_in_path p))

Lemma fv_and_var_in_path2:
  forall (n: nat) (p: Path),
    (varset_In n (fv_in_path p)) ->
    (var_in_path n p)

Lemma fv_and_var_in_type:
  forall (n: nat) (T: type),
    (var_in_type n T) <-> (varset_In n (fv_in_type T))

Lemma fv_and_var_in_type1:
  forall (n: nat) (T: type),
    (var_in_type n T) ->
    (varset_In n (fv_in_type T))

Lemma fv_and_var_in_type2:
  forall (n: nat) (T: type),
    (varset_In n (fv_in_type T)) ->
    (var_in_type n T)

Lemma fv_and_thisSubst_in_path:
  forall (p: Path) (v: Value),
    (fv_in_path (thisSubst_in_path p (Path_value v))) = (fv_in_path p)

Lemma fv_and_thisSubst_in_type:
  forall (T: type) (v: Value),
    (fv_in_type (thisSubst_in_type T (Path_value v))) = (fv_in_type T)

End SetProgram.

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