The Scala installation on the computers in INF 1 is found in the directory /home/iclamp/soft/share/scala/, with the Scala commands (scalac, scala, etc..) found in the bin/ subdirectory.

Configuration files for various text editors (emacs, gEdit, jEdit, Kate, Vim, XCode, etc..) are available from the directory /home/iclamp/soft/share/scala/misc/scala-tool-support/.

Scala tools on Linux (eg. in room INF 1)

In order to use the Scala tools installed in room INF 1 you have to modify your user environment as follows.

> vi ~/.cshrc
setenv SCALA_HOME /home/iclamp/soft/share/scala
setenv PATH ${PATH}:${SCALA_HOME}/bin
Bash Shell
> vi ~/.bashrc
set SCALA_HOME=/home/iclamp/soft/share/scala
set PATH=${PATH}:${SCALA_HOME}/bin

Scala tools on Windows (eg. on laptops)

In order to use Scala tools on Windows you have to modify your user environment as follows:

Name Value
SCALA_HOME c:\Progra~1\Scala\


The update site of the Scala plugin is the following:

Scala Plugin Update Site

You may specify an alternate location for the installation of the Scala plugin in case you're not allowed (or don't want) to modify the Eclipse installation.


Instructions for developing Scala programs on the Eclipse platform are available from the Scala plugin web page.