Last modified: Wed Feb 6 12:39:59 MET 2002
Theorie des systèmes mobiles et communicantswinter 01/02
Wednesdays, 14:15-17:00, INM 203
ObjectivesThe student will learn how to use calculi for communicating processes - in particular name-passing process calculi, which are suitable for mobile systems - in order to formally describe and reason about reactive systems. As particular applications, we look at aspects of communication protocols that underly mobile phone networks as well as security protocols. Much information on this (lively research) subject can be found through Note that this course is not about the fundamentals of GSM networks etc. |
FeedbackParticipants are encouraged to provide feedback either by email, if the problem/question/criticism is meant to be kept private, or through a message on the newsgroup for this course, if it is of public interest. |
Course MaterialIn the following, we refer to Milner, Robin: "communicating and mobile systems: the pi-calculus", 1999, Cambridge University Press [Milner 99] as the book.When referring to Sect. n, I mean Section n of the book. Accompanying the lectures, I will provide access to the course slides in various formats:
They should usually appear before 13:00 on the day of the lecture (at the latest). |
Course Protocol