Computer Science Department
Programming Methods Laboratory

Compilation     winter 00/01
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Exercise 2

1) Here is an EBNF rule for simple floating-point numbers:
  fp = { digit } "." digit { digit } ( epsilon | "e" digit { digit } )
where digit can be considered to be a terminal symbol for this exercise. epsilon is supposed to be the empty word. Construct an NFA with the technique introduced in the lecture.

2a) This exercise is supposed to be only for students with a last name starting with A - K!

The lecture introduced a technique to transform NFAs into equivalent DFAs. Apply this technique and construct a DFA for the given NFA:

2b) This exercise is supposed to be only for students with a last name starting with L - Z!

The lecture introduced a technique to transform NFAs into equivalent DFAs. Apply this technique and construct a DFA for the given NFA:

Please return your solutions to the box in INR, third floor, next to room 321 until Friday, 17.11.2K, 12:00. It is also possible to return your solutions in the next tutorial.