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- LR(1) parsing refines the notion of state. A state is now a set
of LR(1) itemize, where each item is of the form [X = A _ B ; c] and
c is a terminal.
- X=AB. is a production, which is currently possible.
- A is on the stack.
- B c is in the input.
- the _ describes the border between stack and input.
- The rest of the construction is similar to LR(0), except that
we reduce in a state with item [X = A _ ; c] only if
the next input token is c.
- The result is called LR(1) parsing, because now we use one
token lookahead to make our decision.
- LR(1) parsers are slightly more powerful than LALR(1) parsers.
- But, there are many more LR(1) states than LR(0) states.
Often we have a state explosion
Christoph Zenger