Advanced Topics in Programming Languages and Concurrency (AToPLaC)
Summer Semester 2004
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
Programming Methods Laboratory (LAMP)

Thursday 14:15-16:00, Room INF 211


The course covers in more detail selected topics from the winter semester course "Concurrency: Theory, Languages, and Programming". It provides a seminar-style introduction into recent fundamental research literature of the area.


Basic principles of modern type systems for programming languages, and their usage. Basic Calculi to model programming language paradigms in a concurrent languages setting, ranging from functional over object-oriented to distributed wide-area programming, as well as cryptographic extensions.

Schedule, with Slides

  1. [2004-03-11] Introduction & Information (probably rather short)
  2. [2004-03-18] Prof. Odersky: Introduction to Type Systems (I)

    The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus,
    in .pdf format, in .ps format.

  3. [2004-03-25] Prof. Odersky: Polymorphism (.pdf, .ps )
  4. [2004-04-01] Prof. Nestmann: Mobile Objects
  5. Remainder taken up by paper presentations and discussions.

Presentation References:

  1. Foundations of Type Systems
  2. Types in Java
  3. Regular Types
  4. Implementation of Polymorphism
  5. Cryptographic Processes
  6. Proof-Carrying Code
  7. Wide-Area Programming
  8. Join Calculus
  9. Object Calculi and Types
  10. Types in process calculi (should be after 1.)
  11. Functions as processes (should be after 1.)
  12. Objects as processes (should be after 1.)
  13. Distributed process calculi (requires previous)
  14. Probabilistic extensions of process calculi
    • Herescu & Palamidessi.
    • Roberto Segala.

Accompanying Recommended Textbooks:


  • FCFS !
  • the structure of a typical presentation session is:
    • around 45 minutes of presentation, but can be more
    • around 45 minutes of focused discussion, where the presenter will prove to actually have deeply understood the contents of the chosen papers
    • around 45 minutes of open discussion that may be taken to draw connections with other topics, or as preparation for the later topics of the course
  • every presenter will provide handouts to every participant before the presentation (in some compact format, but with enough room for notes)
  • there is going to be an oral exam after the semester, where the contents are
    • the topic chosen by the respective candidate
    • three other topics, up to the choice of the candidate among the ones treated during the course
  • the second exam requirement implies that presentations must indeed be understandable for everyone in the course such that they can decide on this basis which topics to choose and prepare for the exam
  • marks will be given in 50%-50% on the presentation versus the exam; however, an exam without presentation is considered useless and does not count anything.
  • presentations may be prepared and given in groups, but then of course on multiple occasions such that each presenter on the whole talks for 45 minutes and replies for another 45 minutes


Professors: Assistant:

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Last modified: Friday, 02-Apr-2004 20:13:54 CEST