
The aim of this part is to add a closure conversion phase to your minischeme compiler.

As explained in the course, closure conversion is a translation phase which transforms a program potentially containing nested functions with free variables into one where all functions are at the top-level (and, hence, closed). This translation can be split in two parts:

  1. the closing of functions,
  2. the hoisting of nested functions to the top-level.

Two representations for closures were presented in the course, and for this project we ask you to use the flat (or one-block) representation.

To add closure conversion to your minischeme compiler, we suggest you proceed roughly as follows:

  1. Define a function to compute the set of free variables of a term (i.e. a tree), by simply translating the function F given in the course to Scala code, and check that it works as expected.
  2. Write a function to close a term, by translating the function C given in the course. Check that it works as expected on a simple example like the make-adder function used in the course.
  3. Write a function to hoist nested functions to the top-level. Check that it works as expected, e.g. on the closed version of the make-adder function.
